How'd it go today?

I don't think I could do much stumping. I ran a little Vermeer once, and it was boring. Although, if you can clear some good money, then that takes a little of the pain away, but it would still have to be intermittent. Best day I ever had was planting trees. Two guys and I cleared $6700.:D And I bid the job about $2k too cheap.:/:
Ate lunch yesterday and the neighbor/budies ex was wanting to go out drinking with me sometime, yeah, I think that's a good plan:/:

Today went pretty good, help was good, but just ran into more and more crap as we cleared the place! Freaking six foot high irt pile in the middle of the weeds kind of crap! Just adding the bill up! And we get to go back Sunday, as we have other plans for Sat.
Gotta go babysit another buddy who just found out he is getting a divorce for sure. His ex just called and was concerned about him, so I am off!
Andrew you chick magnet! I'm with you Squish. Although I don't mind doing stumpgrinding as part of the removal I would really not want to do it all of the time. I did a little trim on a palm and a pine this afternoon. My Mom was supposed to have surgery on her shoulder today but her and the surgeon got into it just before she was to go in and she postponed. They are going to do some allergy tests on the various medicines used for nerve blocking and then reschedule. Drama. My Sister came out from Florida to take care of her too.
Well.. The job got bigger today and we will have to go back on Monday and finish it. Threw my old estimate out the window and went straight hourly on it. Rake leaves and pine needles clean within 30 feet of house and garage. Roofs and gutters cleaned. Redo the weed eat (it all grew back as I told her it would):roll: Remove dead ponderosa and cedars in back. :D And more Cedar died.. Count now to 8 trees. Burn instead of chip:( It will all work out.. I get the wood also. So we got all but the three larger cedar done and the pondo. Most the cedar is over or up against the service line and over the new leach field.
Tomorrow .. Shiela's memorial service with about 150 people :|:
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I always thought stumps where boring and never made any money. After I demoed a remote high hp stumper, I knew I could make a nice chunk with it.

I agree tow behinds are not the way I would go if I where to get a second grinder.
Home now, I am really beat! Dude was sitting at home in the house with no lights. "I just want to think, I just want to drink my Crown and think about the bad person I was to my wife and how I screwed this all up!"
He was GONE!! No talking to him! Not even an hour and a half and he was gone! I broke down and called his Uncle an brother, they came and picke him up and took him to his Uncles house to watch over him. He's going to be pissed in the am but it's best for him!
Messed up kid who thinks he's a failure for not keeping a loveless mairiage together. I hope he can keep it together, I do like him and he's a good kid!
Left about 3am yesterday to drive across State and take CA exam. It was definitely thought provoking.
Ran into bigshot from old Co. I used to work for and he tried hiring me back. Guess its nice to know I always have a place to go, as I left on very good terms.
Drove through hard rain all the way there, took test, couldn't find a decent place to eat and still raining so drove back home as wasn't in the mood to sit in motel all night to watch TCC next day. Sure am happy I put new wiper blades on the vehicle this week.
Stopped at local watering hole when back in town and picked up two jobs for next weekend, both raising crowns for clearance/view.
Really cool day removing some trees at an ancient country house that recently had a large conifer explode after being hit by lightning. The people there suddenly became worried about a similar thing happening again. Super peaceful place way up in the mountains. Will get some pics up.
Ahh, nothing like a good case of arborphobia to generate needless tree removal work.

Dave, when will you get the results of your CA test?
Ahh, nothing like a good case of arborphobia to generate needless tree removal work.

The trees removed were on the very edge of a tall embankment that had collapsed away nearly up to the trunks, with a couple back leaning over the roof. A heavy snowfall could have done what lightning probably never would have, though that is what inspired the owner to have them removed. It was a good idea.
I have to move some lawn furniture around in prepairation for the onslaught of people soon to arrive for an afternoon outing .

Mrs Smith has been up to her usual hostess type stuff ,cooking like she is feeding a thrashing crew or a bunch of north woods lumber jacks during the timber boom of a hundred years ago .--She's a keeper .;)
Had a good day so far. Our new climber we were going to interview today changed to Monday on account he has relatives in town leaving for a vacation to Puerto Rico. So we've spent the day doing bids, running some errands.

Even got to do a little job today. A Tulip Popular. We had cabled it earlier and inserting a bolt into a big crack about 10ft up. A 5" diameter branch had broken, so I climbed up and we rigged it down to minimize on the mess. Had a great time and doing actual tree work again felt great!!
Broken friggin grinder again. Looks like a broken lifter, which I didn't know was possible. The engine started running like it did yesterday (between stumps again, oddly enough) so I figured the other rocker stand that was involved with the timing belt breaking broke. I pulled the cover after I got it back on the trailer and the intake's pushrod on the stand I just replaced was about .25" too short. Solid lifters, I can't imagine how it broke, I can see the top of it (and obviously the pushrod is fine). Best I can tell it's either the cam or the lifter, and the engine was still running so I doubt it's the cam.

Was going to try a magnet to see if I could pull the lifter out, it wouldn't fit so I tried grinding it's housing down so I could slide it down. Forgot how much magnets don't like heat so I'll be getting another and trying again shortly.
I climbed an easy TD, it was just sucky starting at noon. I took as much time driving to/from the job as I did in the tree. Sweet.
Broken friggin grinder again. Looks like a broken lifter, which I didn't know was possible. The engine started running like it did yesterday (between stumps again, oddly enough) so I figured the other rocker stand that was involved with the timing belt breaking broke. I pulled the cover after I got it back on the trailer and the intake's pushrod on the stand I just replaced was about .25" too short. Solid lifters, I can't imagine how it broke, I can see the top of it (and obviously the pushrod is fine). Best I can tell it's either the cam or the lifter, and the engine was still running so I doubt it's the cam.

Was going to try a magnet to see if I could pull the lifter out, it wouldn't fit so I tried grinding it's housing down so I could slide it down. Forgot how much magnets don't like heat so I'll be getting another and trying again shortly.

I'm wondering if the whole valve train got tweaked when the timing belt broke.

A friend of mine just came and borrowed my 046 for a "couple of cuts". I have 60 big almond trees to remove for the wood (that's how desperate I am) and I'm starting on it tomorrow morning.