How'd it go today?

Darin, we sent woody to Montesori last year and we really were impressed with the system. We would like to send him again this year but the $4k price tag is a little steep for us right now......
My Mother, sister, brother-in-law and sister-in-law are all "educators" in the Cambridge public school system (Principal, assistant Principal, Principal, teacher) What I have gleaned from the mind numbing conversations at family get togethers is that Montessori is the way to go. Last year my mother was appointed to a Montessori style public school and she loves it.
My already hectic day just got a LOT worse. The late Senator's funeral mass is in town on Saturday so my boss and I just walked around the church and surrounding area and came up with a punch list of tree work that needs doing. Should be fun considering every city agency is out there fixing sidewalks and traffic lights/signs and every other goddam thing under the sun.

The media is all staked out, church holds 1400, invite only, the President is already on the Vineyard so its a short trip for him...
Haven't been stung for years, well today made up for that. Found two yellow jacket nests, and got hit about 10-12 times. Can't close my right hand all the way. I guess they didn't like having the top of their nest sawed off by the brush cutter.:lol:
I worked for free this morning.

A friend of my mothers...pruned a Redbud, and a Weeping Cherry.

I was walking through the garden when my knee hit a glass globe, thin as paper, fell to the ground and smash.

Bummer. No big deal, she wanted to pay me but I scurried off, it was relaxing after all.
Ouch Dave.. No they don't. They told me a few times here they did not care for it.. Well lets say I definitely got the message..:lol::|:
When I had a full crew and you have 3-5 people in line staggered cutting a field... You should see the dancing between ants and yellow jackets/meat bees when some one hits one. :|:

Called two clients last night to try and get my schedule back in order. Nuttin. So we mat just go meet with the attorney today and start gathering what we need for the memorial. Pulled all the meat out last night to start thawing.
I am still going to confirm my next two jobs as one of the ladies has downsized before. A few dead cedar and a pondo over a leach field in a tight grove of trees. All killed by the equipment putting in the new leach field. Should be a kick :)
OTG.....sounds like a real madhouse.

Dave....Bees, Hornets, etc. seem to be more active here this year than any time I can remember. Sign of a hard winter?

Last year while cutting brush I happened to look up and both the guys helping me had most of their clothes off and were "dancing". My first impression was "they shouldn't be doing drugs at work" Then I got nailed behind the ear and knew what the story was. we upset a nest of ground bees.
After a recent episode, I've been carrying this for stings. I haven't had call to use it yet. I've heard it's very effective when used quickly.

Dr Hessell's poison remover.


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Took two pines out that had grown up through a trellis type of construction and then had been previously topped right above the trellis and grew in every which direction. Covered in all sorts of vines and crap. Then killed two more jap maples, a birch clump, a hawthorn, a larch, a spruce, and a couple of junipers. The new owners were deforesting. Lol. Actually their entrance way to their multi-million dollar home was completely overgrown with all of these trees, it does look alot better now. Five acre lakefront home with over 500g in rockwork alone(I know the hoe that chucked rocks there for nearly a year), and it's only a vacation home. Their son walked by this morning, and gave me a 'don't work to hard' laugh as he hopped in his mini monster truck. Some people are just born rich, good for them.
Steve, yes, the injector pumps are from Bosch (happened to rub off enough paint to see the writing on their tag). I need to see what constitutes a "Bosch system".

Anywho, I ground one stump with it yesterday and it did borderline OK. I had the engine detuned to it's lowest setting and it was a noticable depreciation in power. Now I've got it tuned to it's highest setting and I'm going to go grind my neighbors stumps to test it out before tomorrow's grinding job. Maybe if you's are lucky, I'll make a video :lol:
After a recent episode, I've been carrying this for stings. I haven't had call to use it yet. I've heard it's very effective when used quickly.

Dr Hessell's poison remover.

I have had this in the first aid kit for many years, used a few times for bee stings etc. :)
Picked up the grill for Saturday's events from a couple friends I used to feed (when I was a chef) that owned a couple businesses in town. Should handle some meat :D


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That big roaster reminds of these two young gents that owned a carry out,Fast Eddies .They also barbequed chicken and ribs for big events,hundreds of them .

That roaster must have been able to hold 500 pounds of charcoal,,longer than a pick up truck .

To get rid of the burnt coals they shovled the residue into a dumpster but had the damned thing on fire so many times the sherrif made them use other means of disposal .