How'd it go today?

Went to the doctor's today, in part due to Butch's sternly advise. Persistent stomach discomfort in the morning, I posted about it before.
Blood test and a basic exam today, and the stomach fiber scope early Monday. Not looking forward to it, but I feel better about making some effort to finally get to the bottom of whatever is the problem.

Got to wack some trees on the weekend, leading up to the photo op :roll:.
Jay, Glad to hear you are pursuing the answer to your problems. Hope it is something small and simple.
Best wishes.
I met with another yellow page salesman and went and bought and installed a new turnsignal switch in my pickup. I really hate working on steering columns. Went and did a bid, got jewed down (nothing new there) and am now relaxing.
Damn Chip, I hope they can figure something out soon, that doesn't sound like fun at all!

Today, well, it was a day, and more! They boned the forecast, supposed to be 87, it hit 102, it was hot! My help was better, but not what I would have hoped for.
I got two more TD's, another pine, 22" and an Elm 32" to add on to what else I had.
The mini ran like a champ, couldn't have done jack that we got done without it! Then it blew a hyd. cylinder on the lift. That was bad, but, there is worse. I noticed it was smoking so I looked down and saw it was on the muffler "HMMM, I'd better get this to the truck and see whats going on!" I think, so I go to dump the load of dirt in the bucket and I see the cylinder is blowing oil out of the dust seal, "Thats not good, I need to fix that." I tell myself. About that time "FOOOOOOM!!!!" Great big fireball! I had just pumped hot oil on a hotter muffler! The fire was over my head, you couldn't even see the side of the machine! Just that fast! I got it shut off and off of it and see my help sprinting to-wards me with a jug of water (I've got to get a fire extinguisher) but the oil had mostly burnt off by then. I did have a couple of small fires under the control panel so we dosed them out. It was sweet!
It cooled off and I managed to drive it on the trailer and got it home, but I still have no idea of the damage yet.
I have an extinguisher in my forestry truck and I have one in my pickup. I should get them out and check them. Glad your mini is still alive.
Dang Andy lucky you didn't have a total melt down. I had a hydro leak on the grab truck. It was one of the steel hydro lines that split out. Not a bad fix took longer to get the line off the truck than it did to weld it.

Took care of some more tire problems this morning, :X but I finally made it to Wichita. Looks like I'll be around Wichita for 2 to 3 weeks.
Yeah, very lucky I have anything left! I'll have to track down parts tomorow, I hope I can find kits for those cylinders. I am going to do both, one goes, the other can't be far behind!
I don't think you will get much done in Wichita Dave, they are calling rain off and on the next three days FYI. I'd already put off the trip back down to Ark city tomorow before these problems.
My luck I'd make the hour drive and get rained out in another hour!
Yeah, very lucky I have anything left! I'll have to track down parts tomorow, I hope I can find kits for those cylinders. I am going to do both, one goes, the other can't be far behind!
I don't think you will get much done in Wichita Dave, they are calling rain off and on the next three days FYI. I'd already put off the trip back down to Ark city tomorow before these problems. My luck I'd make the hour drive and get rained out in another hour!

I have several jobs I can do even if it is wet. As long as it's not lightening out and the wind is not blowing like hell I should be able to get some things done.
Andy, just glad you did not get burned. I know it is a pain but just think how bad it could have gotten.

Jay don't worry about the scope it is really no big deal. I do not know about Japan but all the Doctors I know use an anesthetic that gives you total amnesia about the procedure. So even if it does hurt you will not remember it.
I just picked up the bucket truck from the garage. The oil leak is fixed and they didn't have to pull half the motor apart to get to it. $145 was all. I already called two small jobs and booked them for tomorrow to fill in the extra day I had blocked off.
good deal RJS. We took Bub in for shots this AM, at 18 months he got his MMR and an other mixed booster. He didnt dig the experience but was totally chill after the doctor put him down. He promptly looked at his thigh and had a WTF look on his face as he yanked the little circle bandages off. :) Wife went off to the barn and I stayed with him, put him down for a nap about 45 minutes ago :) We measured him at the clinic as well, 34 inches tall, 24 pounds. a bit tall and a bit thin, like his pops :D

oh, for the record regarding the medical coverage thing , we didnt shell out a penny ;)
Climbed a bunch today :D

And, I signed up to take the BCMA exam!! Sept. 28th!

Anyone know any good resources to study tree diseases and the subsequent chemotherapy we provide?
He's got 'ins' at the ISA and I'm assuming no criminal past.:D

Andy funny timing, last friday my mini lit up from getting packed up with stumpgrinding fluff. I got it out before any damage occurred but still was a little unnerving.

Did three small/med sized hemlocks today for an older couple that have been really good repeat customers. They're a sweet old couple married 55 years and gotta be in their late 70's early 80's still living on their own and getting things done. I have a soft spot for elderly people who are still making a go of it so I basically worked for expenses and smiles today. Next week I start a big(ish) job that's a referral from them, one of many. So it goes around and comes around.:)
Did three small/med sized hemlocks today for an older couple that have been really good repeat customers. They're a sweet old couple married 55 years and gotta be in their late 70's early 80's still living on their own and getting things done. I have a soft spot for elderly people who are still making a go of it so I basically worked for expenses and smiles today. Next week I start a big(ish) job that's a referral from them, one of many. So it goes around and comes around.:)

That's just good business right there. :thumbup:
drove 57 miles for a 15 min job......two hour min8)...removed two other tree at a closer job.....prepped for crane removal in the am
Last day at work this week, knocked out 16 removals and 4 trims, boring production in a bucket.
Taking vacation day tomorrow to cram a bit of last minute studying and head down to the MI arboricultural conference. Taking CA exam on Friday then going to watch TCC on Sat.
Might even find time to lose a few golf balls.8)