How'd it go today?

Still taking it easy here. Cleaned some saws. Sharpened some chain and dressed some bars. Found a slight bend in my 36 bar though :( Guess I will be dropping some money on a new one:|: Ordered some stuff at Baily's. Some chain and what not. Played with my kids most the day in between saws. Pretty good and productive day. Tomorrow I go get bones and muscle moved around a bit to settle some aches :)
Stephen, if it's not bent too badly you can usually bend it back straight. It doesn't have to be laser accurate, just straight enough to not bind or throw the chain.
I laid around most of the day. Kind of tired after my firewood foray yesterday. My job for tomorrow morning changed from a trim to a removal but he wanted to postpone it for a couple of weeks, so I'm probably going to either explore my stumpgrinder no charging problem or an oil leak on my truck motor. Oh and be safe RD.
Jay......Could you climb and peice out at least the big tree? Could you use it as an anchor point for a speed line? Can you anchor/tie down the butts to themselves or the other trees? Can you tie into another tree while cutting the one next to it? Should they all be pieced out for weight reduction?

Just a few questions. Maybe jog the brain a bit?

Yeah, thanks, those suggestions have been going through my brain. The guy hiring me is the one who will be doing the pulling. Nice chap, but I've worked with him before and he is always in a friggen hurry. A little problem with illegal road closure going on too, not that much traffic passes that way. :/:
Well I had to go to the dentist today .Not good,not bad though .

I've got a peridontal condition I've fought since in my teens,heridity type stuff . I gave it a good fight and prolonged the inevatable longer than most felt possible but in the end I guess the tooth fairy wins .No big deal I've only got seven left that aren't removable any way .

That aside I've got to back in the crawl space I can't seem to get away from once again .This time to install a new dryer vent .Things don't last forever .Al the tunnel rat .:lol:
Nothing is forever, as you say, Al. Still, it is good to be loved, as you are.

All that tunneling, you should have been in "Hogan's Heroes"!
Didn't really need it, but for a hundred bucks I decided to go look at a 12V hydraulic motor, pump, resevoir, hoses, valve and cylinder. I got there and instead of a 4" x 36" cylinder it was 5"x 20ish" and all worked so I bought it. The guy then asks me if I know anyone that may want a brand new 3"x 48" cylinder. !! Turns out to be 4"x 48", never even had the plugs out of it and he wants another hundred, ok! So I saved 180 on the cylinder I was going to buy for my dump trailer anyway! Got home and hooked it all up and it works, I just need to go get more fluid!
Good deal Willie.
I had to take my mom to the county traffic court today and it was too soon to pay her ticket. So we got to stand in line for a hour or so with the cream of the crop in Stanislaus county! I hauled a load of horse do-do from the neighbor's and spread it in my orchard and then cleaned my back yard.
Speaking of cylinders ,Tom the tree guy brought out about 2/3 of a dumper full of oak today,3-4 cords I suppose .

His cylinder is the typical dump truck type that uses the non power side for the reservior .It wouldn't raise completely up .I had to explain to him how it worked as he had never seen this application before .When the dummy side of the cylinder expells all its' fluid the pump can't move any more so it's all the way up .Simple but effective .
Got the last of the poles in the ground for "Stone Henge" the shop...:lol: Now just a water level and cut them all the same height... Then we can start placing the 4X6 beam headers. The headers will be made of cross arms then sandwiched with 2x6... Should be able to pull a big block out of the truck with a winch hung from one ;)
Saw the Dr. this am and I am feeling a might better. can actually hold shat with my hand today... Hip is also better and I am walking a lot straighter. :)

Robs brother scored 260' of #6 copper wire for the service to the shop :D Now just need a ground ;)

Trailer is empty now... So it's time to go get a load of 2X6 with it :D Probably 100 2X6X16. Just waiting on another day off and a check :D


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Today was a day that reminds me why I pick this profession.

I got to skip school today to help with a big removal job. And man, it was sweet!!! It was with one of my climbing buddies, who brought along a boom truck, some gear, and my favorite, a GRCS!!! We set a speedline, picked some logs, and man, what an awesome day!!! That GRCS is definitly going on my "must buy" list. Without it, this job would have been so much harder. One guy did what would normally take 2 or 3. Like freeing up a stuck limb on the speedline.

Pics and video to come tomorrow.
How does a water level work?

Clear tubing mostly filled with water. Hold one end of the tubing to the top of the pole you wish to cut. Put the other end on the pole already cut to your desired height. Raise the tubing until the water level is even with the top of the pole. The water level on the other pole will be the exact same height.
How does a water level work?

Think of a 'U' shape. The bottom of the U stretches between the two posts. Each upright leg of the U is clear tubing. When the bottom of the U is level, then the water level inside the two upright pieces is level.

Hope I described that clearly....

Awesome Barn mister! Looking good.

I just monitored watering stations all day and adjusted sprinkler patterns and times.
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I will get some 1/2 tube, clear.. About 60 feet.. You fill a jug with water and place on a ladder next to a post that will be marked the height you want. First use tube as a siphon to fill and then raise so it equals... Equalize to the line you have made.. Then you can walk to each post tube held high and make a mark on each one as it equalizes.