How'd it go today?

Good to see it working out and you back in the groove, not all the worry shit :)
Virginia has her dolphins to keep her mellowed out.

Sending good vibes to you Gigi. Running a business would be easy peasy if wasn't for employees!
Man, a cold front pushing through has made the weather AWESOME! I can feel Fall on the way, and that's damn skippy by me!
Things seem to be working out. It's a long story that I won't bother you with, but we had "lent" a guy to my FIL's company to learn to climb (he was a groundsman at another company). He was working with us the day everything happened with the new climber, and asked Tree Guy if he could try climbing for him for the day. Tree Guy agreed, and it turns out he's not half bad! Still needs some more experience, but he seems to have a natural aptitude towards it. We don't have any major removals booked for the next bit, just smaller stuff that he's capable of, so we're going to keep him on. and Scott will train him. We're also going to send him to the ArborMaster Canada climbing course in October.

He's very excited, motivated and willing to learn. A young guy in his mid twenties. He's married with a baby and #2 on the way, so he's motivated to show up to work and create a career for himself. I think this could turn into something good. He's a great worker. We'll see how it works out.


Nat, that is great! Treat him like a king!
Nat, I'm really glad for you, grlfrnd.
Word of advice ? Do NOT offer wage increase as an incentive. I've been the whole summer wasting my time on this.
Classes, CDL, training, free golf certificates, whatever. You've got to keep them coming.
I don't know what it is ? I'm trying so hard to learn, truly.
Wages ain't it.
Just wait 'til I get my digi-cam back from the great white north...
TH T-shirt pix forthcoming !!! LOL
Interesting point TC.

When we told him about the pay structure, etc, he barely reacted. The moment we told him that we would put him into ArborMaster Canada his eyes lit up. When we told him that when he qualified we would support him in becoming an ISA Certified Treeworker and eventually a Certified Arborist, he got really excited. Interesting................

Yep, money is definately not the most important thing to many people.

Things have slowed down to a crawl in my neck o' the woods.
Really scary. Justdammitman.
It's a predictable time, but I still freak.
Time to pound on doors & prune, prune, prune.
I just sent a mailer to my past clients, about 50 or so out the door, 2 calls a day and a half later for the good old " can you come clean things up for fall / winter? we got your flyer and figured we would call now so we didnt forget" cool.
Loud-n-Clear, Paul.
I'm just trying to get my mind wrapped around the whole "Fall Clean-Up" thang. Ugh.
There's tons o' companies out there that are geared toward it, and they know how to make a profit. When I think of offering this service, it is yet another diversity that I have to look at, "From The Ground Up".
It doesn't seem like big potatoes, but it is.
I got down to 3 weeks lead time....and the phone is ringing like mad. Oh well maybe I'll stay busy till Christmas-I hope so.
I have two and a half weeks of work scheduled and around two calls coming a day. Haley's school was closed yesterday and today. Today was my day with the girl. We drove to the mountains, played in the creek and set up our new tent. We had fun for a few hours then had lunch in a touristy old mining town before heading home.