Good to see it working out and you back in the groove, not all the worry shit
Virginia has her dolphins to keep her mellowed out.

Virginia has her dolphins to keep her mellowed out.
Sending good vibes to you Gigi. Running a business would be easy peasy if wasn't for employees!
Things seem to be working out. It's a long story that I won't bother you with, but we had "lent" a guy to my FIL's company to learn to climb (he was a groundsman at another company). He was working with us the day everything happened with the new climber, and asked Tree Guy if he could try climbing for him for the day. Tree Guy agreed, and it turns out he's not half bad! Still needs some more experience, but he seems to have a natural aptitude towards it. We don't have any major removals booked for the next bit, just smaller stuff that he's capable of, so we're going to keep him on. and Scott will train him. We're also going to send him to the ArborMaster Canada climbing course in October.
He's very excited, motivated and willing to learn. A young guy in his mid twenties. He's married with a baby and #2 on the way, so he's motivated to show up to work and create a career for himself. I think this could turn into something good. He's a great worker. We'll see how it works out.