How'd it go today?

Al. DId you Pipe wrench the lock rings to make it easy to slip the bearings?

Chucky, I HATE it when that happens!
No! I heated the rings to get the lock bolts out out.I then used 4 splitting wedges and hammered the stuborn rascals off.It took me about 2 hours.

If that little runt of a tree trimmer ever strikes it rich,he's going to owe me a fortune.:|:
Oh,in relationship to those cramps,afore times mentioned.When I was stump jumping[pole climbing] old Mr Charles Horse had the uncanny ability to wake me out of a sound sleep at about 2 AM in the morning.That sucks,with a half life.:whine:
Was enjoying a day off today. Got a chance to look at a couple jobs for next week. Got a call about 3:15 from a friend in a jam on a commercial job with 6 tall Washingtonian palms left to trim. His climber did 2 in two hours and was whipped. 45 minutes to drive across town, an hour to clean up 6 palms and 45 minutes to drive back home (Friday afternoon rush hour traffic). Easy money with the bucket truck.

Worst part was when I hit a skwerl's nest on the first palm and critically wounded a baby skwerl. A second only had a nick on his paw but we had to put the first one down. :cry:
I hate that. We have no shortage of squirrels here but I always feel bad when I am the right hand of death to the little vermin.
I pruned trees t'day.
But, I thought I was pruning a River Birch, but it weren't ???
It's some damned Maple something-or-other ???
I'll try to get a pic.
Tree work humbles me every day. Ferreal.
TC, I think almost all the River Birches now in the landscape are 'Heritage' River Birches. You can't mistake them. Yellowish and red very peeling bark and multi-stemmed trunks. Beautiful trees, but some day soon a pest will take them down. Clones, doncha know. That's what happens when you over plant cloned trees. Too bad. The nursery industry will never learn.
Al, This may not apply to your bearings in this case...but in case you didn't know. The standard bearings for Rayco's were(I don't know about the current crop) a Browning design that utilizes an eccentrically milled lock ring. The allen set screws are really superfluous after the first run-up. The design utilized centrifigal force to wedge the sleeve to the shaft. They are harder than heck to get off...unless you break the lockring's hold by twisting counter to the direction of rotation. Once the ring is unlocked the bearings usually slip off pretty easily.If I am telling you something that you already know all about then forgive my presumption.
No,actually I didn't know that.I've seen that bearing design on machine tools though.
That is a Vermer grinder.The bearings are Link-Belt forged pillow blocks.
Tom got that machine pretty cheap but he is going to have to dump about $1500 in it.It has a relatively new diesel but needs a lot of work on the wheel drive mechanism.

The man that originally owned it,suffered a stroke.That machine was his only source of income,for about 12 years.He ground stumps from Dayton to Toledo and actually did real well financialy.He had done Tom s stump grinding for years and wanted him to have the machine,thus the low price of $4200.
Weddings are great have a great time!! don't forget to have a dance or two with your elderly female relatives,thats a must for you young single guys..LOL ,eat drink and be merry..
Gay wedding here today, the former mayor and some chef from Austin. Both rabid republicans too, so guess where I'm going for dinner?
I would catch some and fatten em up before I ate them. Turn your Oscar pond into a lobster holding tank.

Probably illegal.
My tennis partner and I won the Great Falls City doubles Championship today in two sets. 6-2 6-4

In the mens singles finals sunday at 8am. On a roll
Well a good time was had by all. while we were waiting, the organist was playing my cousin, the bride's request "In A Gadda Da Vida." She wore a beautiful white silk and lace dress. It was a dry reception(too many ex-alkys). They served light refreshments.
Built another stack of firewood.I cut this stuff about 6 years ago and stacked but never split it.Covered for all that time,nice dry ash,most of it.A little clean up with the skidloader,also.