How'd it go today?

I just experienced my first earthquake. It was only about five seconds in duration. It felt like something thumped the house hard and then it rocked back and forth gently. The USGS Earthquake site recorded it at 3.2, so it was a small one. Pretty cool!

Those things are strange feeling, ain't they? Almost surreal...
I just experienced my first earthquake. It was only about five seconds in duration. It felt like something thumped the house hard and then it rocked back and forth gently. The USGS Earthquake site recorded it at 3.2, so it was a small one. Pretty cool!

Rumi, I was in Peru the first time I felt one, like 9 years old. I still remember where I was and what I was doing. Way cool, because there was no destruction, just a little shakin goin on!
I was about 9 when I first felt one in Buffalo. It was pretty neat. I was in a bunk bed on the top. My mom was in the other room and didn't feel it, but I sure did. I asked my teacher and he said it was around a 3.0, he had felt it at his house too. ain't nothin', 'cept when up at magnitude 6 or so. Without them, there would be no hotsprings ;)
So how do you like that 019T?

Reed, oi bought if for the ergonomics-I liked the handle set up- and th eavailability of the tooless chain tensioning system (seemed handy since I often climb and work alone). Th e019T has served me well-I had some oiler issues for a while but goit it functioning again. The saw isn't bad power wise but as is often mentioned it is heavy.
Fun pix. What a mess, ey, RboristaGuy ? LOL
I'd so much rather take down trees that still have a bit o' life left in them (as per your pix). All-The-Way-Dead = Exploding on ground impact. Crikey.
A couple (outside of photo) were stone cold dead, easy job all in all, thanks to the mini.
Wiped out tonight. Had a job about 40 miles away -mistletoe removal on 4 Ponderosa pines, Remove low dead branches on 2 big Ponderosas and chip about 10 brush piles. All the work was below the road, on steep ground, at over 8000 feet elevation. I'm a tired puppy.
Aweful day. Fired our old climber, hired a new one. He worked precisely one day (yesterday), then showed up today to tell us that he's been hired by the City. Okay, I understand wanting a City job, but how dare you take our valuable time up, make a committment to us so that we fire our old climber to take you on, then quit after one day! Very pissed right now, and sick to my stomach with stress. Now what do we do?

Nat, aint that the same one I pm'ed you a few days ago?

those albertans are a step behind usually. specially the northern ones. ;)
Think it may be so Paul. We already had this new guy on the line at that time however (I think the same day). Forgot all about that though. Feeling dumb today.
So Natalie, did you find anyone yet? Did the guy from the web pan out for ya'll? What's the skinny?
I drove past Treeguy ( I didnt know it was him though) the other day and he didnt even wave at me, hmmph.

its ok, I still give him referrals, another one today in fact! go get them alders!
LOL Paul!

He probably didn't want to admit that it was him driving that piece of crap truck. After he gets the new one this winter he'll probably be forcing you off the road to show it off. :lol:
So Natalie, did you find anyone yet? Did the guy from the web pan out for ya'll? What's the skinny?

Things seem to be working out. It's a long story that I won't bother you with, but we had "lent" a guy to my FIL's company to learn to climb (he was a groundsman at another company). He was working with us the day everything happened with the new climber, and asked Tree Guy if he could try climbing for him for the day. Tree Guy agreed, and it turns out he's not half bad! Still needs some more experience, but he seems to have a natural aptitude towards it. We don't have any major removals booked for the next bit, just smaller stuff that he's capable of, so we're going to keep him on. and Scott will train him. We're also going to send him to the ArborMaster Canada climbing course in October.

He's very excited, motivated and willing to learn. A young guy in his mid twenties. He's married with a baby and #2 on the way, so he's motivated to show up to work and create a career for himself. I think this could turn into something good. He's a great worker. We'll see how it works out.
