How'd it go today?

My wife and I paid big bucks earlier this year for a top of the line mattress and boxspring..........I don't know why we didn't splurge 10 years ago, it's beyond awesome!
I am sitting here with a pillow under my back for just such a reason. I don't sleep in our bed anymore because it sags too much. I hope you get a good nights sleep.
Say whuut, Reed ?!? You lookin' fer trouble, old man ?!? LOL

I remember about 20 yrs. ago, a friend of mine spent over $1200 on some Swiss barley-something-or-other bed, and I told her she was nuts.
I've re-thought that, over & over & over...
A good nights' rest ? OMG.

Oh, this is the "How did it go today ?" thread...
I pruned trees at the condo-gitters today. They are all friggin' crazy, and I ain't kiddin' one bit.
Good easy day. Climbed and pruned a Locust did a crapapple from the ground and property lined the sprouts from a mulberry. It was cool and cloudy. 8) Came home and dressed the bar & put new chain on the 7900. Changed bar, sprocket and chain on the 019T, went and made 2 bids, and took my wife out to the store and to dinner (her first time out in 2weeks-she has been miserable)
Ground guy no show to drunk from night before went done hours chipping on my own,washed truck welded hydraulic inlet on chipper was leaking.went to the ale house for lunch and gambled on the horses $50 up
Work was the usual,not too bad.Afterwards finished my last 2 cords of oak,total of 6 cords ,split,by hand and stacked.

Got out the big McCulloch and tipped a big hickory spar for my neighbor.The old tree fell victum to ants and that level 1 tornado ,around 40 inches at ground level.

I wonder what it is about ants and hickory trees?:?
So how do you like that 019T?

Hickories are hard, the price escalates exponentially, the wounds hurt more, and they don't stack or crunch easy come chippin' time. Plus they only respond favorably to carbide chains, which cost me more that a good fishing trip. Otherwise I love 'em.
well yesterday did 3 bids got all three,nothing special.Three apple trees to prune one lilac to be felled and the stump to be ground out,tree report on a large beech,dozen conifers to be felled and the stumps ground out,like I said nothing special..

I hope work starts to pick up,my phones been very quiet.
Yesterday, I arrived on time to remove a privet and a dead oleander.
I removed the oleander and started removing the privet. I spiked up and
started, after I wasted half the tree, the homeowner says that's great,
I love how you thinned that half of the tree. Let's just leave it like that.

Thank goodness I always practice pruning finish cuts on removals.
It looked decent enough when I left, except the spur marks.

Oh well I charged her just the same.
Hey, that's a sneaky way to get someone (who doesn't want to) to top your tree.

Hmmmmmm... :/:
We got a late start, but it turned out to be a good day... after a broken hyd line got fixed!
I just experienced my first earthquake. It was only about five seconds in duration. It felt like something thumped the house hard and then it rocked back and forth gently. The USGS Earthquake site recorded it at 3.2, so it was a small one. Pretty cool!
Yesterday, I arrived on time to remove a privet and a dead oleander.
I removed the oleander and started removing the privet. I spiked up and
started, after I wasted half the tree, the homeowner says that's great,
I love how you thinned that half of the tree. Let's just leave it like that.

Thank goodness I always practice pruning finish cuts on removals.
It looked decent enough when I left, except the spur marks.

Oh well I charged her just the same.

The spikeless climbers should be all over this any minute now...