Of course,most likely I'm going to have to tuter these fellows in ground falling methods.One must remember they are used to disassembling a tree in a back yard.Of which they do a great job.
Hey Al,
When I read what you said, I realized how on track you are in that.
My personal experiance is rigging out wood from a tight area.
In the area I learned to climb in, the terrain is all steep hills, very expensive homes, 32" gate to a half acre backyard, every single twig roped down. A 6'X6' drop zone is normal not the exception.
The Oakland/Berkeley CA. hills are stuffed with big old Monteray Pines and Eucs. installed 30+ years ago. Also the influx of money makes for a good market to go in and try to do it right.
BUT, now that I have moved into a more rural area, I found out that felling trees is normal. Let me tell you, my confidance took a nose dive after trying to fell trees and not having that 'certain' feeling I have with roping.
It took alot of learning and let me tell you (you already know) a steep learning curve.
I still dont feel confidant, got alot to learn. My friends like Gerry Baranek do things that freak me out! Never in my wildest dreams would I drop a tree like Gerry does. for him, just in a days work. I bet that bastards heart beat does not even change . For me, major life changes. More hair falling outta my head, you get the idea...
so anyways, thanks for posting that. I am glad I am not alone with your buddies who know roping but not felling. They are lucky to have you around.