How'd it go today?

I'm afraid that would just pack it in and burn it worse!
The burns are not on the bottom of my knee's, as one would think, but on the tops of them.
Andrew... keep a close eye on that ... I had one get infected and it cost me big time! And mine weren't near as deep as your's sounds. Dang bummer Brian..... :( Hope that guy prices it ok for you. Getting ready to pay for a mirror myself.. :P Sux.. Major discount on the work done fur sure...

Today went good... Just hot and got the job done so we can move on one early tomorrow... Just hammer them out and get on with it... Called the client up OOT and he was pleased we are done and gave us more work to do soon...
A crazy client that I fired last year came by the job site as she lives across the street and is just as crazy as last year.. SO I sent her on her way with nuttin and a don't let the door hit ya in the butt attitude... Some people just never give up:roll:
I'm slap ! wore out.Been removing and deadwooding pines the last two days. The whole time I was ascending those pines I was thinking, sure would be nice to have a raptor...hmmmm ...I must be getting old if if I'm thinking mechanical device...:(
Probably right Erik. I might forget how to footlock if I get one of those
I took my wife to visit her brother at the VA hospital in Palo Alto. He looks like he's already dead, can't talk because of a tube down his throat. Too weak to even raise his arm. I would much rather have had Brian's day today than my BIl's day. BTW Skwerl that looks pretty gnarly. I've broke my rigging point once and my rigging rope once and neither time did I break anything, not because of skill, or having a redundant system or anything like that, from luck.
Had a GREAT time tonight! He's thinking of quiting nd opening a bar in VA. So it may be the last time I get to see him? But I may have a line on some work! He's in over his head on the job he's doing,I offered to assist for free, and because I know these saws/machines and not many around here do, and can have companies from both manufatures support me, might be a foot in the door?
The waitress was a gal I have known for many years, cute as hell!! We sat at the bar, but she kept coming up putting her arm around me and hanging out. I tipped her well as we left and told her as long as my wife isn't around she can keep doing that:P
I'm so going to burn in hell! Did I mention she was HOT:|:
Yesterday I fell a few trees, pulled one back against the lean with a excavator that was on site. Everything went smooth as silk.8)

Today I've done a bunch of quotes and books. Trying to line something up for the new city arborist to come out and check out our skilz. Seems kind of odd to me but if he wants to see how it's done, I'll show him.:D
I killed four easy pines with a crane, and then threw two big dead pines located on a state walking trail in the woods. Crap, we had to traipse a 1/2 mile or so (with all the gear)to get to each tree. It was all up and down hills, like frickin San Francisco, and kinda HOT! But I didn't have to climb any, just toss em. I love doing that, I hardly ever get to do it like that.
It's just unusual to have to hike like that. I meant, that's actually what the damned trail was - a hiking path.
Man, I'm beat today. Climbed 2 trees today. The first of which was my first full fledge removal other than a Pine. A mostly dead Honey Locust, next to a house. And wow, that tree whooped my ass! I was beat by the time I came down. About half was rigged and half was bombed. Didn't get any pics because we still had 4 trees to do.

Other tree was an easy up-down deal to cut a broken limb.

Also felled another stick. This time my face cut/back cut were much better. I grabbed a quick pic. Let me know how I did this time.


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