How'd it go today?

Still waiting on the doc.:?
The knees have the glazed hard look about them now. Sleeping didn't really happen last night.
I was at the church at 7:15, got the lagoon done and headed home by 9. It was 92 by then and I was completly drenched in sweat. Nothing like having chunks of grass stuck to your sweaty arms, neck and face, I love that feeling:lol:
Here's how my day went. :cry:

The only good news is that it's not major and the maintenance guy seemed cool about it. He's going to get an estimate from his aluminum guy tomorrow and then I'll decide if I'm paying for it out of pocket or filing a claim. I've got calls in to a couple other aluminum guys but would prefer to use the one that the park uses anyway, less chance of problems or complaints that way.
Dayum! I had a better day at the VA. My doc and nurse couldn't believe how good all my numbers were, but he still won't take me off my meds. Maybe next time.

Damn, Brian. Don't you just hate working for practice? :(
I had one limb tied to another. When I cut the limb, the other limb broke and then the two limbs underneath them also broke on the way down.
Damn Brian, that's a bummer. :(

I hope it's not too expensive to repair. If you can foot the bill without too much pain, certainly better to pay out of pocket then file a claim.
I volunteered this morning at a kid's Tree Planting Camp at the new Taos Community Center. It was pretty good, the kids were surprisingly enthusiastic. We got over 20 trees planted in some gnarly compacted construction fill. If they survive they'll make the community center a much nicer place. They're going to be back tomorrow to install drip irrigation and mulch but I won't be there for that.
Sorry to hear about that man.

These past two weeks have been killer on me too, ever since that close call with the crane. I even cut myself with a chainsaw yesterday! Not too bad, but it's deep. My saw kicked out of a bore cut and got me in the ankle just above the boot. I bandaged it up and worked on it the rest of the day.

Removed a cherry tree and thinned/ reduced four silver maples today for a HOA. I have to go back tomorrow to prune another, remove a girdling root, and install 3-4 cobra cables in two of them.
Damn Brian, that sucks. Yeah, might as well eat it out of pocket lest the insurance companies make you pay ten times over in premiums, though.
Andrew- IMO just throw a little Neosporin on the cut and keep an eye on it for a few days. If it becomes infected then get it checked out. Otherwise it will heal just as well as if you spend a bunch of money having some doctor inspect it and have his nurse put a bandage on it.
That depends on how bad a cut it is. Although, if he was working on it directly afterwards I suppose it couldn't be TOO bad.
I'd like to think so to Leon, but..........................

Be careful with it Andrew, as soon as it get's red get in!!!
Seems to be some bad ju ju in the house this week, man!
Damn, not a good day for some of us.

Today I picked up some landscape ties for some steps I have to build, picked up a Stihl Ht-131-thing seems like its got some nut, ended the day off by paying $2k in sales tax I owed the state.

When it rains it pours, hopefully it won't be to expensive Brian....:O
Andrew clean it out good and watch out for infection.
My furry Austrian buddy called a bit ago. He's in town fixing a saw and wants to hook up. I'm going to meet him at the "Port of Wichita", now, how is that for irony:lol: The only thing even resembling water is the heat waves coming off the asphalt, but it will be nice to see him again.
The left one looks like a really sunburnt calus. The right one is really ugly! It looks like it was peppered with bird shot from a shotgun. Bunches of little blisters. The doc. said to keep neosprin on them and it should clear up in a few days, they hope!
I've got another large pour, 13' x 32', in three weeks, and I hope not to have this again!