How'd it go today?

I don't know and I don't care. This is an urban residential neighborhood and not the country. I have to live with restrictions as well. I'm not allowed to park my own truck in my own yard and I'm not allowed to impose on my neighbors, they sure the Hell aren't going to illegally take away my right to peaceful enjoyment of my own home. These are small lots (75'x100') and I'm not putting up with chickens 35' from my bedroom window.
It is. I called the animal control after hours number and actually got a live person (on a Sunday)! She said they would issue a 5 day notice to get rid of the chickens tomorrow.
Actually, it's funny as hell you mention it; the neighbors across the way just got a bunch of chickens last week. Four roosters. Unfortunately for me, this is zoned agricultural. However, the first time I get woke up by a crowing rooster... I may do some re-zoning of my own. ;)
The last house I lived in on Oahu was up against the forest. There were roving groups of wild chickens living in the woods and they could get a bit noisy at times. The roosters would go off like clockwork at around three every morning. It only took a week before I hardly noticed it all anymore, and otherwise I enjoyed having the chickens around. They were pretty entertaining and they cleaned up all the fallen rotting mangos and kept the cockroach populations down.
Ha ha ha .I live in the country where the hoot owls romance the chickens .

A couple years back my close neigbor being 500 feet away had a flock of chickens they let self roam . Kinda funny watching the roosters snatch hens from anothers harem ,boys will be boys ya know .:lol:

Well once those chickens got into Mrs. Smiths flowers it nearly escalated into WW3 . Nothing like an irate woman wielding a broom . She let it be known that if those pesky birds were not corraled in short order a few might end up in her stew pot .Problem solved .
To be honest about it a chicken will eat anything that doesn't eat it first .They aren't too praticular what they eat ,it all turns into chicken chit as an end result .
That's cool Paul about the benches... I can see what you mean about a tie in point, there is some serious height to the ceiling in there! And hey... some one has to change the light bulbs:/:

Day off today here for my fathers day... Went to my mom and dad's last night for a lil GTG for him... My Sister was here from Colorado and had not seen Lilly yet. Was a good time but a late night after a work day :P

Katy has some day care kids to manage from 5 am to 7 pm :P

I got to sleep in till 9:30ish but crying children woke me :|:

Pumping coffee and seeing what kind of mischief I can get into.
Heres my new dump trailer:D comes with mobile home axles and tires and a ram from a backhoe. I haven't decided if i'm going to use the axles for awhile or buy new. Waiting for new prices to come in tomorow. Probably sell the ram on craigslist and buy one that won't need to be modified before use. Need to wire it, get lights, build a tailgate, skin it, paint it and get a pump/resivore. It has a 7'x 14' box that I may turn into a 12' so I can load the dingo on the front when loaded.


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Sweet.... I saved our axles for a while but eventually gave them away when I bought our trailer.... Yup... It has mobile home axles. So I saved some extra wheels for it :D Those things are seriously HD considering what was riding on them... I would use them Willie, that and the electric brake already set up in them I believe. Correct me if I am wrong.. Does anyone know the rating on those? I think I calculated them at 7 tons per axle? I might be wrong..
Willie you can just replace the trailer house hubs with conventional hubs. A good trailer supply can fix you right up.
6000 pounders. 1 spring, brakes not rebuildable, tires suck and must be taken off and brought in for repair. Depending on cost of new weather i use em or not
The spindles are fine and also the brakes. you basically match up the bearing size from the trailer house hubs to the new hubs. I have done a couple dozen over the years. I can't remember having to replace the brakes on any of them.

Bum day for me also being fathersday and all 1 of very few that I don't do something, plus being wet as hell out from the last 2 days of raining helped also....:lol:
Thanks Dave, I will look into what it takes to rebuild. I need to shorten them by 23" also. And need to replace the single spring for a pack