How'd it go today?

Day two of the abominable apples is over. About half a day left. Just when I thought I was almost free the customer says "We've got this other piece of property just next door with a bunch more apples, could you prune them too?". I told him I wouldn't be able to get around to it for a week or two. I couldn't handle another 3 days in a row of this.
Spent the last two days doing small removals. Yesterday I made a whopping 40 bucks! Yeee Ha!

Both jobs were for friends and I didn't except payment but one managed to slip two twenties into the cab for 'gas expenses'. Oh and I picked up a dozen fresh laid eggs and two bottles of home made wine.
Feels good to do stuff for friends. :)
2 dead Pine removals, 14 dead Dogwood removals, 2 bids, with a crane for first thing Monday...............transferred to Nucs into hives,....then swilled a couple of beers and tacos......bath and storytime to come:|:
worked with my son today. Took down a smaller ponarosa. Had to take 15 to 20 feet out of the top to make it fit in the yard. Had a side lean, so tentioned her up with the GRCS and wacked her down.

Dog was bored as hell while.


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Yes! One week to go in this summer latin class and then I'm home free!!

Today I got busy splicing again. First, I made a 28" eye an eye split tail out of Yale XTC Fire. It's going to be the adjuster for a double ended flip line. Also did one splice on my new Blaze flip line. I'm waiting for the snap to get in, so I just did the back splice. The end with the snap on it will have a full fid bury, and man, that's going to be a monster to do!!
Rob and I started a good brushing job today and it sure was a nice break from the weed eating. Probably 8 or 10 acres... Hard to tell. I'll pace it off as we do it. We covered about 2 acres today. Brush is not tangled and a fire had gone through the place some years back. LOTS of burn spots :D Screw dragging... Toss down hill to the pile :D Home owner gave us 8# of hamburger as a tip and a check. She was going to reschedule tomorrow but changed her mind with what progress she saw ;)
Got done at a reasonable hour and went and played in an oak at the other house I have been meaning to take the mistletoe out of. Good practice getting out to the tips and limb walking... Besides.... I have been just ITCHING to climb sumptin after the GTG. :D Next tree job on Monday... :D Still have half the oak to do here.... dinner was ready and the kids were going nuts with me up in the tree.
Re-wired the trailer lights on a truck and finally got everything working!
Went and got a new phone finally!
Brian called and said he would be here at 5pm, I could have set my watch to it. Right on the money.
Dave, his wife and son met us for dinner, and bought (thanks again).
Then we went and looked at the Locust tree, I am glad we didn't have a saw with us, I think he would have cut it down right then just to prove it to me:lol:
Re-wired the trailer lights on a truck and finally got everything working!
Went and got a new phone finally!
Brian called and said he would be here at 5pm, I could have set my watch to it. Right on the money.
Dave, his wife and son met us for dinner, and bought (thanks again).
Then we went and looked at the Locust tree, I am glad we didn't have a saw with us, I think he would have cut it down right then just to prove it to me:lol:

No problem Andy, it was good to meet Brian and b.s for awhile. Good supper and good company.
Have a safe trip home Brian.
The rain subsided for a few hours today. Went to my cousins to grind a stump, a guy stop so I ground his on the way home, then decided I was in the area of a job I did where they went them ground so I stopped there too. Pretty boring.

Lol. I ground a couple of stumps this morning. And guess what? It was boring too!:lol:
Brian is on the way home now. Had really good time. I hope the couch was halfway comfortable.
He taught me a few new tricks last night. He hooked me up with a new prussic cord and taught me the VT. Man is that slick! No more Blake's for me after seeing how easy it is to tie and how smooth it works with the tending pulley!
I got to see the wraptor, neat, just plain neat, and I even bought a shirt. Brian swore he had one for Bubba but we couldn't find one that small.
I even cooked up breakfast for Brian and the family. Thanks for the bacon Paul:lol:
I had to go get another new phone, the other one failed the dunk test miserably:lol: I guess I wont try that party trick anymore:lol:
I just got to thinking I should have sent a chunk of Hedge home with Brian so he could see for himself how much fun it is to cut:D
Flipped knives in the chipper, messed with some of the wiring, greased it. Replaced a broken clutch spring on the chip truck, mounted the underbody box from the old truck on it. Now the guys won't have to put the gas and oil in the main storage bin.
Now i'm working on setting up my big shot with a release snap, bought 2 on ebay for $25 bucks shipped8)
Next project is to trysetting up my spare kroll as a foot ascender
Just did a 10mile canoe trip down river. I was paired up with my girlfriend for the first hour, but I had enough after she couldn't get her lefts and rights straight. Ended up with her bro towards the end.

All in all it was a nice first time trip.
Pruned out 2 nice old sugar maples today, its great to work on some really nice old trees. Local road race is tomorrow, a bunch of us are on the water crew. We keep the runners and are water crew hydrated, just not out of the same cooler! Should be another good day!
Typical Saturday since the slave wages 40 hour deal in the auto industry .

Tinkered with a few things but did get about a cord and a half of oak split.Not too bad for and old fart if I do say so .

Cutting down out of the pile with the Rocky 038 special,Gawd I love that saw.:D Abrasive,dirt in the wood etc.Sharpened twice on less than a tank full .Just the way it goes .
It's good but it isn't like it used to be .Like 70 hours per week .

Oh,don't pay attention to me I'm just whining like a broke dick dog .:whine: