How'd it go today?

I was unaware of that Squish.

I thouht every one knew garth brooks was a cowboy....

Adrian, even if the client doesn't like him it's bad form to "go off" on anyone when your at a job.

My day rocked! I landed a $5100 dollar job for the first half of next week and am going to be an expert witness for the first time. That makes me more nervous by far than 220 feet off the ground!
I am going to be an expert witness for the first time. That makes me more nervous by far than 220 feet off the ground!

That would make me nervous. Lawyers have very good imaginations when thinking of things you haven't thought of.
Adrian, even if the client doesn't like him it's bad form to "go off" on anyone when your at a job.

Good call Willie, and though it can be difficult, that includes car drivers who say that your cones are blocking their street. I used to do tree work with two brothers who were always going off on each other in front of customers. I learned a lot from them, but that wasn't something included.
That would make me nervous. Lawyers have very good imaginations when thinking of things you haven't thought of.

No doubt. My Hong Kong boss does a fair amount of expert witness stuff. He says you need to be prepared to defend every single thing you might say, and to say things extremely clearly so that they are not open to multiple interpretations. And expect them to go after you personally. Don't lose your cool.
Hey Willie, do you know what an expert is? An ex is a has been and a spurt is a drip under pressure. Keep that in mind when you start thinking you know it all. :lol:
Leon, your undermining the little confidence I have!
Brian, i'll be sure to use that definition if my comments are called into question:lol:
Haha! Sorry Willie, just thought a little second hand preparatory advice might be helpful. But now that you have the proper definition of "expert" you will be just fine!
I got everything lined up for that red oak crane job Tuesday. 70T and I have to crane in the stump guy :|:

Also looked at a nasty uprooted red oak that I'll have to use a crane as a TIP while I bomb the wood. ...should be fun... :O

sounds familar:/:
I did a couple jobs with Justin today and then was treated to a massage. I didn't realize how badly I've been hurting the last several weeks but my range of motion is substantially greater than it was before the massage.

The two jobs we did were a cedar removal and four small trims (40' high trees that I can't identify). Easy day with the Stumpmeister and the old bucket truck is still working great (although it has a couple new leaks).
Good call Willie, and though it can be difficult, that includes car drivers who say that your cones are blocking their street. I used to do tree work with two brothers who were always going off on each other in front of customers. I learned a lot from them, but that wasn't something included.

Thanks Willie. I learned early on that when all is said and done, it you that ends up looking like the idiot. Better to stay professional and just let it go.
You got it Adrian. Go Willie! Can I come work for you? I thought Garth Brooks was just a singer. I did 3 bids today and went to my Cousin's to fix a little dealio on my pickup motor. I watched a lame ass movie on LMN with the woman. Just did a "ball park" estimate to remove some Queen Palms over the phone while I was typing this.
a good day overall, then a few minutes ago I checked on Bub who has been in his room for about 5 minutes... oops, he has emptied one of his clothes drawers, then 5 minutes later I checked again, he started to put the stuff back, wicked! :D


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hey Cursed, I have the plans and the timbers cut to build a passive solar sub-terrain house with a post and beam roof structure. I just need to figure out how to pay for it:|:

Paul, try and find someone with a back hoe that needs tree work as a good start.... I don't know how your permits are..

Paul B... Ya gotta love when they "like" to play pick up ;)
I did a couple jobs with Justin today and then was treated to a massage. I didn't realize how badly I've been hurting the last several weeks but my range of motion is substantially greater than it was before the massage.

Justin did the massage?
You would like that, wouldn't you? No, he made an appointment for me with his massage therapist. She actually lived in central Florida about 20 miles from me and moved out here 19 years ago. She went to school for massage therapy about 2-3 miles from my house. Small world.
You would like that, wouldn't you?

Today went well. Took out a mostly dead birch today, just went smooth as silk. Finished up decently early and made it to my daughters preschool graduations. I know :roll:, 'graduating' from pre-school. But she was glad I was there and it was fun.
Today was the first day attempting to restore 90 mutilated and abused apple trees. It'll be several pruning cycles before most of them are in decent shape again. Not my favorite work, but the owner is an agreeable guy and that always helps.
I agree. The customer's attitude makes a huge difference. I will bid jobs higher if I think the customer is going to be unpleasant.