How'd it go today?

Killed some more brush today....... HO thrilled and booked four more days over two months starting in Sept. 100 or so acres and she basically wants it all done... So we'll whittle at it a couple days at a time :D Then will come mistletoe and branching....... Darn!;) :D
Have to go portion out a hunk of meat to freeze. Then BLTs for dinner and I am sleeping in tomorrow for a day off..... :)
Took another trip up to Cincinnati today for a family cookout. Grandma tagged along this time, so it was quite the trip!!

While there we stopped in the Apple store. I drooled over their new laptops(I'm a HUGE Apple freak/geek!!) and we also got Mom an iPhone, since she has really been wanting one.
Finally get some quiet time! Man! Got the newest new phone then helped mama clean the house. We had seven adults and eight kidshere tonight. Just total mayhem! I think we still have three pounds of sloppy joes left over!
I'm wondering where B has ended up tonight, his "buddy" has been asking about him all night:)
It's late, I was getting tired and got a fleabag motel room near Montgomery Alabama. It's a short hop home tomorrow but I didn't want to pull another all nighter.

I had a great time meeting Dave and Andy yesterday. A couple of great guys. 8)
And AJ is quite the young man. Smart, polite, and the apple of his daddy's eye. :)
Typical "long morning " on Sunday . I think some thug must have beat me with a rubber hose last night as I'm a bit stiff in the joints .Perhaps that cord and a half of wood I did yesterday might have something to do with that .:/:

At any rate I do believe I'll find something to do today that's a bit less taxing on the old bod . I'll tell ya,this aging process is not for the weak of heart .
Taught a karate seminar today, to make some money for my travelling fund.
A bunch of dutch and danish karate guys wanted to learn to use the long staff ( Bo) to hit each other upside the head with.
Since they agreed to pay me well, I happily obliged them.
It went quite well, a good time was had by everyone and they even learned something.
Well,I suppose it goes without saying that after a session of beating each other with ugly sticks that few looked like they had a hat full of gulf balls .:lol:
I work out nearly every day just to slow the aging process. If I use it, I ain't gonna lose it.
I suppose I really should get on an exercise program of some sort .

It is known fact that you do loose it if you don't use it . I'm in much better shape than most my age but still only a shadow of my former self .
We have a tri-tip sandwich fundraise at my church this morning. I drove down, dropped off my donation checked in and they were just standing around so I came home.
No Sammich?

Me .... I am trying to take the day off... I will soon take over day care for Katy as she has an appointment with a client this afternoon... Rob's family is here to see Shiela. They have been here from AZ all week. His brother and kids came up also. Two houses full right now and Wyatt has his friend Ian over...
I think every one is about sick of having company right now....
Was supposed to be a chill day, hang with mama and Bubba, watch the race, etc.
Nope, stupid dog ran away in the storm last night. He tore CHUNKS out of the fence to get away. Idiot!
Been looking for him all morning, no sign of him.
I suppose I really should get on an exercise program of some sort .

There's no supposing to it, especially if you like to eat - which I do for sure.The hardest part is going from thinking about it to actually doing it. The catalyst for me was me was my buddy dropping dead on the job. A good motivator is dropping some bucks on a nice piece of equipment, like a Treadclimber, or at the very least a cheap $200 walmart treadmill.
Dogs will be dogs especialy male dogs .They can't help themselves ,they gotta do it .

If the dog catcher doesn't get him chances are after a little tour of the area he'll come back wagging his tail like nothing ever happened .

Old "Duke" the shorthair I had as a teen used to get out on occasion .Quite the "Swordsman" he must have sired a hundred pups .95 pounds of Cassanova that one .
On this exercise deal,I don't really eat a lot .Not mind you that I don't like food just luckily I don't seem to intake more than I use .Perhaps a good thing .

We have the treadmill,rowing machine and all kinds of stuff which I bought for my wife .As it is though it doesn't get used .

I was never one to exercise but got same by the manual labor I once did while working construction ,climbing poles etc .

Here of late though a person such as myself doesn't get much of a work out by programing industrial robotics and other such stuff .

By mid summer though I'll be in pretty good shape but I hear you about an ongoing routine and that is good advice .
But this dog is REALLY stupid Al! Never would play fetch, likes a new hole everyday to stick his nose in and if you stomp your foot on the ground he runs off.
My mindset is that I'm getting paid for my efforts in the fact that being in top physical shape is pretty much a job requirement, especially as I age. Like I said before I can be an old climber or a fat climber, but I can't be an old, fat climber.
Since I fell out of a tree in 83, I've had back trouble.
About 15 years ago, my chiropractor told me: " the day you stop training karate at the level you do, that is the day you can stop working in the woods, because your back'll give out"
Whenever I've had a really hard day at work and just don't feel a bit like heading for the dojo, I hear her voice in my head.
That get's me out the door, for sure.