How'd it go today?

This afternoon I went to get the mini which was parked by a pile of logs, still holding on to one of them. I fired it up and lifted to grapple only to find a stick moving through the pile. That sure woke me up from a lazy afternoon. It got gotten.

Not entirely thrilled with the head shot at only 4 yards, but perhaps it moved last minute.
What kinda snake...poisiness? My bro ended up buying that gun BTW.

Today I took down a small dead maple, pruned some junipers and a viburnum, removed one juniper, and 2 small cedars. Worked solo, the way I like it. Tomorrow I've gotta grind the stumps.
I have no problem killing venomous snakes around my house. I've disposed of four since I've lived here; two rattlesnakes in the woods, and two water moccasins in the garage. :O
I relocate snakes (venomous or not).... Keeps the rodents down .....

Today went well.... Mistletoe for about 5 1/2 hours. Rob just went from oak to oak and set lines for me and I climbed right in behind him setting them... Dead wooded the ones I was in. Maybe they will have me dead wood the rest of them since they like how they looked (the ones I did). Whole grove of blues and whites... So two days and basically all the mistletoe is gone. I just have that burned tree to deal with next and some live oak that needs the dead from the fire taken out. Scheduled him for Sept. right before I go on vacation :)
Took home a nice check and some taught muscle :D
Felt good to climb and play in the trees.
Back to the old fire clearance thing for the next few days or weeks :P See if I can clear a day for a tree job on that property I cleaned out that nice white oak on... He signed up for more while I was at the GTG....
Downside is that Katy took on a client for day care from Alaska down here for a massage certification class. The kid is spoiled rotten by my book .... My day off on Sunday I had a screaming kid all afternoon... Came home to one tonight.. His momma will be here about 8 pm.. Katy has about had enough as this has been going on all day.. And you can guess how I felt coming home to it. Mother just coddles him and carries him round. He contests with Lilly for Katy too... 9 more days of this and the woman better pay up or I am going to visit Alaska:evil:
Glad to hear you're gaining some more confidence in the bigger trees, Stephen. Pretty soon we'll have to call you Mr Cole. :P

Sorry about that, Carl. I don't know my snakes and didn't realize that one was poisonous.
I can truly say that 60 feet feels just plain comfy as do the tips after 200 feet up .. LOL
My big test will be another mature Pondo with the right gear instead of old skooling it.... Taking a top out above 100 feet is sumptin...
And nobody in this group better call me Mr. Cole save the young uns:P
And nobody in this group better call me Mr. Cole save the young uns:P

Don't worry. That one whizzed way over my head. :|:

Today was crazy on overdrive day for me. This morning a did a three hour Tulip tree pruning. Then I made a TON of phone calls all over the place, placed a claim with the shipping company about the skid steer, signed a lease agreement with my new landlord for July 1st, picked up the BMG, hooked it up, gawked for a sec., bought supplies for the new chicken coup, got paid for a few big jobs, fixed a leak on the new BMG, ran other errands, swilled a couple beers, told you guys more than you probably needed to know, and now I'm about to go crash so I can wake up early to slay a big red oak with a 70T in the morning.

I had a bunch of things planned for today. I didn't do one of them! A buddy called and needed to clean his place up NOW! He has an apraiser coming out tommorow and is needing this money for the new home he wants to set up.
27 cars, eight motors, twelve trannies all had to be moved or hauled off to the scrap yard. He's a mechanic if you can't tell and it was a heck of a mess! My back is killing me! Them little four bangers aren't that heavy, until you pick a few up!:roll:
snake tongs...then relocate here.

craned apart a lightning struck Poplar. Flew both jibs on the 22ton AT,.....reall nice
Oh, almost forgot, the stupid dog came home, yay! I had to fix the fence he chewed up and the wife just told me she heard him trying to get out again? Stupid dog!
Yep, and I beat him with a switch nightly:roll:

He took off in the midst of the stom that came in Saturday night. We had eight kids running around out there. The wife see's him nightly, A. J. hugs and chases him around all the time.
I CAN NOT even beat him! If I raise my voice he cowers, I stomp my foot and he runs to the other side of the yard, always been that way:?
We've dealt with him as best we can, but it's like the dog has depression and no self worth to start with!
Just finished my new Blaze flip line and man, that full fid bury is more work than I remember!!

Other than the rain, today has been good. I finished up my flip line and a double ended one I had to make, and both splices went rather smoothly. Also went bowling today, but other than those few things, today has been pretty boring, along with that summer school latin course.
I did a little brush pile moving job this morning for the neighbor across the street. Tractor with a grapple was perfect for it. I think it would have taken all day to move the two piles by hand and I did it in 20 minutes con el tractor. I finished cleaning up the wiring on my trailer that was messed up from the gooseneck project. Went and returned some stuff to my cousin and did a bid for another brush pile job. Then went over to retrieve my camera at my stepdaughter's house and gave my grandson a bath while I was there. I still got it, I had the kid clean in a couple of minutes and then we had about a half hour of playing in the water.:D


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Chipped some stuff for a "Do It Yourself Guy" I hardly ever do that, but it was raining and windy again.

And he did it for his 80 something year old mother. :angel3:
Frans, heres my truck and chipper at a job I did yesterday.About a 120' Fir and a shorter one.


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Kenny Raw Jer. He's most excellent at running ropes. The pics didnt do much justice. The larger tree was 3' on the stump. Kenny knows how to let those bigger chunks ruuuuunnnn!:D