How'd it go today?

I worked on the chipper today, and I found some melted connections, and a few corroded connectors. It didn't have any trouble starting before or after I messed with it, so I dunno...

I have a small side job tomorrow to see. Cash money :D
Ya John, if there's a list I want on it. My mail man once gave us honey from one of his hives. And golly, I'd eat it with a spoon.

Does honey take on different flavors? We had some honey from a farm around here and it tasted almost woody, if that makes sense. The mail mans honey was the best I've ever tasted.

Ground a gazillion Sumac stumps and did a consult on a car collision damaged tree, plus 3 bids. About 11:00 A.M. my firewood guy called to encourage me to come watch the Keystone Cutters fell the BIG tree-I declined . He said that they made a 25% diameter face, back cut it and then broke 1/2 steel cable TWICE trying to pull it over with a backhoe. They eventually got it down....and cratered the street.
Lucky they didn't do any more damage than that.

What's all this about criminal records and ISA pulling certifications? It sounds like I'm missing out on something important.
Back from my big church job. My buddy was about 3/4 finished with his tree and the chipper quit feeding. There's a broken window and 3-4 broken roof tiles. I finished the tree I had to climb and did everything I could reach with the bucket, so there wasn't much left for me to do. Mike will have to handle dealing with the broken window and roof tiles (there was a crew on site in the middle of a big roof repair job anyway).

I'm going to run the pickup through the car wash and let them clean out the inside. Then I'll pack my bag and take off in a couple hours. Figure I'll hit Alexandria about breakfast time tomorrow. :/:
Today is going good so far. The volunteer day went great, and the place looks a lot better now. It turns out, Ashland Estate is actually going to be the location of the KY comp this year, which is AWESOME!!!

I also sold 3 splicing jobs today and got payed for one. One job is a flip line I already spliced, but I didn't like it (too long), and this climber loves long flip lines. All in all, a great start to what seems to be a great summer!! Just 4 school days and then I'm home free!!!
Just about done.One more pine to snatch out by the roots then beer thirty on the back patio .

I must have hauled a dump truck or two of brush to the burn pile today .Not too bad for an old fart .;)
Helped a friend do two white pine removals today. Super tight spot, lots of dragging brush a good ways, trees were both right over a four-way intersection of chain link fence, and both of us and all the gear is COVERED.

By far the sappiest tree I've seen in a long time.

Fun fun!
Just got my computer going again. A friend of mine from my farming days called and a big euc dropped a 20" limb on the secondary going to his shop. I cleaned up that limb and lightened up a few more limbs on the tree. I also scored the job to haul his yard waste pile that is four years worth from four houses. And it was four loads to the dump! On my computer when I put the restore disk in it it was missing the NIC driver. I was working so I was too lazy when I got home. Until today I went to my Parent's house and downloaded the driver from the Dell site and burned it on a CD and brought it home and voila. My Wife and I spent the day with my daughter in SF yesterday as she is leaving for London on Monday. Sorry LJ.
Just got back from milling, stickering and banding 1200 board feet of pine, now i'm showered and heading to a combined bday party for my boy and buddies daughter. more weinies and burgers to grill