How'd it go today?

That's weird, Darin. I had the same reaction to a similar pole saw cut. I had it hooked above me and bumped it with my shoulder. It dropped straight down and the blade caught my bicep opening up a deep gash. I figured the dizziness and nausea was caused by the sudden drop in blood pressure. :?
Anyway, that was a long time ago, I just have a nice little scar as a reminder.
I've had the same reaction more than once from cutting my hand or finger. Last time was a Zubat across the finger, another time was smashing a finger between two large rounds of wood.
The pole pruner barely broke the skin on my arm. It was the point of the hook into my forearm that got me. I was just on my flip line when it happened and had to tie in to descend.
Dropped off the Ford at the tranny place this AM. Dropped off a brush cutter for some warranty work. Finally got on my way to work and forgot my inhaler. I was about 45 in the job and my asthma kicked in. Had to leave and go back to town (30 plus min) and pick one up at the pharmacy. I knew I forgot something:|: Been kind of a crazy run around day :P
The job we were on got bigger too... :|:
Just learned our MS260 is shot. I don't know the details, but the dealer says it's not worth investing the dough to fix it. Apparently the bearings or jug is shot, but again I don't know exactly what it is. So now we're thinking about going half an half on a 200 rear handle. I pay half, Dad pays half, and I'd earn the other half via splicing for him. Looks like I may be the half owner of a new 200 just in time for graduation!!
Today was most excellent. I bugged out last thursday to vissit my parents and meet an uncle whom I last saw when I was 3 years old. On the return trip today I had lunch with Leon (Rumination) who is a delightfully likable and interesting guy.

Been a couple weeks since I checked in, but felt obliged to express my similar sentiments about Justin's company. A truly erudite and interesting gentleman, as I expected. It was very good to meet and chat with yet another excellent TreeHouser in person.
Andrew, you ever get the starter issue fixed?

No! I'm leaving at 6 am tomorrow to drive to the Morbark dealer in Wilksboro, NC. I have to have it fixed before next week. I can't be dealing with that bull-ony any more.

Today was actually pretty fun. I was about to start heading up the oak removal I had when the maintenance guy hiring me came out and asked about some other work he wanted prices on. He then wondered if I could wait while he cleared the additional work, so I told him to call me and I'd come later. I ended up going to another job nearby, which worked out better anyway.

It was a silver maple house clearance and line clearance prune. Tree was TOTALLY covered in english ivy, so it made for tough limb walking.

Refreshingly difficult with way less clean up :D
Yeah, it will!! I've talked to four people now who have pretty much the same machine, and NONE of them know what the problem is. You'd think Morbark would have heard these complaints and put out something about it. :?

If these dudes don't fix it, I'll call the company and see.
good news here today, I am on a steering committee developing a 3 level arborist apprenticeship program for BC, after about 3 years of meetings and paperwork and such we just heard that we have continued provincial financial backing to develop a curriculum and pilot program for level one, hopefully to begin delivery next January. YAY!

Paul, don't forget to grandfather me in........Please!:D

Today was interesting. Hammered out three clumps of birch with no clean-up. Yahhhh!:evil:

Then the nasty. A 100' cottonwood that had had the top break out and then regrew a couple of huge new tops. Then the base, less than 1/3 of the trunk left and out of that third it was barely larger than the bark.:O It was in rough shape, hard to beleive it was still standing and alive. Was doing the work for a municipality so I got them to walk a loader in and set a line and without cutting at all it easily pulled the tree over, exactly where I wanted it.8) I should have some good pics next time my uncle develops his film.
Squish, the 'grandfather or C of Q (cert of qualification) will likely include a written exam of some sort and a practical exam, this job is too dangerous to say that someone has 3500 hours in the field so there ya go have a certificate. At least thats the way it seems to be going, not any of that is set in stone at all yet though so who knows where its going to end up. did you ever get the program outline for review?
I don't think so Paul. If you're allowed to circulate it, please e-mail me a copy. I hear what you're saying and I'm ready for the testing. I just want to stay on top of it is all. I was of course just joking about asking you to slide me in. My only hope is that it won't be to costly to the end user such as myself. A written test no biggie, the ISA cert exam was easy seeming and I breezed right through it. Practical testing, sounds like working for free to me or even worse paying to have someone watch me work. It's all good though, I'll do what I gots to do.
I will email it. speaking of privacy, did you send your little survey about criminal records and such back to the ISA yet? I am down to about 12 days to respond and I havent yet....
I miss you to Leon!!

I HATED the job this morning. Wonderful little Plumb tree. I think it was placed well, and was taking off well but the landscaper had other ideas and it had to go!
Five inch tree, seems simple enough? NOPE!! Wires for the lights under and around it, and the water line right under it. NO mini!! Five min to drop and slice it up to fit in the BED of my truck. Three hours of digging later I had the stump out of the ground!
Then I went and flopped an Elm, sliced it up and hauled off two trailer loads of brush.
About the time I thought I was done I loaded up the boy and went to look at a large Maple crown reduction job.
THEN, just as I typed this the guy that just came back that I did concrete/whatever with just called. I need to go by and check on his place as his oldest daughter is in the hospital and they are not sure whats wrong but going to do exploratory surgery on her?
Yeah, been a day!
I will email it. speaking of privacy, did you send your little survey about criminal records and such back to the ISA yet? I am down to about 12 days to respond and I havent yet....

Mine expires June 30th I believe, still haven't done anything with it.
mine came dated May 5, it says I have 30 days from that date to fax them the details, if I dont, the certification may be suspended or revoked.

My problem is they kinda got me by the shorts, the cert is too important to me to lose it...
Talked to him again, still nothing on what is going on yet:? Went and checked on his dogs and house/equipment and all was fine.
Then I saw a Syclone. I had to stop! He was sitting at Sonic and I asked if it was the real deal. Yup, '91 with 58k. I asked what I would have to do to get a ride in it.He said "Lets go!" WOW!! WOW!!! WOW!!!! That thing is SICK!! I mean SICK FAST!! That was a once in a lifetime ride probably, really neat to me, maybe nobody else, but me!
My tailfeathers were dragging all day. Chainsaw chunked a branch into my bottom lip causing me to leak red stuff..... but I got some work done.

When Leon and I met I told him about the monster cottonwood (almost 8 feet DBH 8'x11' at ground level) removal that I bid 2 weeks ago. I told him that I didn't think anyone would get it-I bid it 2 years previously for $11k. Another guy bid it at $10K. This time I bid it $11.3k. I guess they have been saving their pennies. Local alkie tree guy started it yesterday. He has an interesting method-he hired a crane and spent the day bombing stuff from the basket. He has it down to a 50 foot three pronged spar.The fence is GONE, the yard is trashed , a neighboring elm is thrashed to near smithereens So far my firewood guy has hauled 9 cords of wood from the top, garnered the info that their bid was $8.5k and been informed that tomorrow they are going to fell the backweighted remainder in the street! I shudder to think of the things that may happen.