How'd it go today?

I just can't do a thing with my cant hook .I broke the handle but what I can't do is find a handle for the old cant hook . What I can do is make a handle for the cant hook,nobody said I can't .

Here 'tis,about an hours worth of whittling with a portable power plane and belt sander .Made of shagbark hickory it should last long enough for my great grand children to use it .


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Today was great!! I finally got some climb time in. First, we started on our wedding gift for our neighbor, pruning his two Silver Maple trees out front. The one we did was wide, but not very tall. And it had been topped years earlier, so there was a ton of sucker growth.

Second tree was a big, nasty osa orange. The only way to get to the branches that need to be removed was to inch worm my way up the back trunk. It was relatively flat, with some hand/foot holds, so it wasn't hard, but it was something new for me that creeped me out at first. There were a few times I had to one hand my 192T, but other than that, it was awesome!!
Today was great!! I finally got some climb time in. First, we started on our wedding gift for our neighbor, pruning his two Silver Maple trees out front. The one we did was wide, but not very tall. And it had been topped years earlier, so there was a ton of sucker growth.

Second tree was a big, nasty osa orange. The only way to get to the branches that need to be removed was to inch worm my way up the back trunk. It was relatively flat, with some hand/foot holds, so it wasn't hard, but it was something new for me that creeped me out at first. There were a few times I had to one hand my 192T, but other than that, it was awesome!!

Better get us some pictures Ranger.
I think little bro took a few Steve. I'll have to find his camera and check later.

Off to bed now. Finals start tomorrow, so I have to get my sleep in!
Just got off the phone with Sean. I dropped some coin on a Revolver, some ear plugs, a CMI pulley for a floating false crotch climbing system, and an oval link. Can't wait to set up the false crotch system, as the few times I've climbed on one, it has been one SMOOTH ride!
I did some bed cleanup and removed a handful of bushes from a garden today, I guess it must be a day off from highschool as there was a young couple humping on the lawn next door in what they may have assumed was a more private location than it really was. my client ( he is in his mid 70's) came outside for a couple minutes to discuss the scope of my work and we both looked over after hearing a couple 'noises'. he chuckled, shook his head and went inside. I continued to work and try to ignore the 'noises'. lol
Landed a tree job for September today... bout a 1200.00 TD on a Canyon Oak. Going to have to rig down about 75-80 % of the tree and most the wood as it sits up a hill and over the house. Only about 45 - 50 foot high 24DBH or so on the larger of the two leaders. Of course its the large one over the house....
Aborphobia mostly as well as inconvenient mess.... The tree looks quite healthy but will eventually have to be removed.. Most of the tree leans down slope that is starting to show signs of erosion. As several attempts have been made to halt the erosion.... the lady of the house is quite done with the tree and trying to salvage the soil under it. So I get to put it all on the ground and stage the brush in a clearing.... Then they get to make firewood of it ....
Al, That project was perfect for a drawknife.-Naught against power tools but there are some things that old technology is still the best and most efficient for.
( I ended a sentence with a preposition nanananannaa)

I felt sort of cruddy and it looked pretty rainish so i decided to blow off the afternoon and take Cathy to a matinee (Up.- a marvelous movie). Then I got an emergency call and wound up climbing to lower a broken ash limb hanging over a sunroom...but we made it to the flick.
hydraulic cooler on the 250 xp must be going bad, hydraulic fluid boiled over after a 1/2 hour of chipping
hot to the touch
i have a new radiator water pump and thermostat in it , great more $ to spend
I dont think Ive ever seen a hydraulic cooler on a chipper?? Even if it had one how could it go bad?? it would be just like a radiator right, maybe blow the crud out of it but as I said Ive never seen one on a chipper.....
Real proud of myself and my helpers yesterday. We removed several smallish dead Coastal live Oaks. Two leaning over a fence.
I was stressed about it thinking I would have to climb them and feeling sorry for myself that once again I would be risking the odds.
But.. pulled them over. No climbing out on long dead limbs and piecing it out and wondering if this would be the day a top breaks out or the limb I am working on just gives way or the entire trunk snaps off at ground level.
One was too tall to fell in the landing zone without breaking apart this little prized cherry tree that the client really liked.
The trunk was straight until it forked into two leaders.
When the tree came down, the two forks landed perfectly to each side of the cherry tree. Maybe 3 feet of clearance on each side. Didn't touch a twig coming down.

I really live for those times when everyone is working perfectly together like a well oiled machine and the plan comes together perfectly.
These times are the best, keeps me coming back for more!
Plus, cleared after expenses 1550. in 3 hours. What could be better? Life is good.
-oh and then the client says they would like all the wood left right where it is (not even cut up that much), and the chips off to one side :)
Al, That project was perfect for a drawknife.-Naught against power tools but there are some things that old technology is still the best and most efficient for.

I could have made that handle in about 10 minutes on the woodlathe.
With a satin finish, too.

How's that for "best and most efficient":D
Removed an old dead white oak. VERY brittle. Good day though. Made me anxious for that mini to get here. No access to get the logs out, so it had to be firewooded and rolled out to be loaded on a trailer. Mini would have saved two - three hours easy.
hydraulic cooler on the 250 xp must be going bad, hydraulic fluid boiled over after a 1/2 hour of chipping
hot to the touch
i have a new radiator water pump and thermostat in it , great more $ to spend

Check your filter.
I could have made that handle in about 10 minutes on the woodlathe.
With a satin finish, too.

How's that for "best and most efficient":D

Hmmmph. Cottonpickin' Danes have to point out the marvelous tools they have in THEIR shops.:lol:
Removed an old dead white oak. VERY brittle. Good day though. Made me anxious for that mini to get here. No access to get the logs out, so it had to be firewooded and rolled out to be loaded on a trailer. Mini would have saved two - three hours easy.

Once you get yours you'll never work without it again. It saves in every way imaginable. We no longer drag any brush, and rarely to never feed the chipper by hand. 8)

Forgot to mention, my day got buggered up and turned into a not very profitable day at all. The only bonus was nothing got frigged up and I got off early.