How'd it go today?

Nowadays, tobacco's just too danged expensive. Couple that with the insanity of the actual habit, a person would have to be insane in the membrane to still do it. I'm glad I'm done with it.

Congrats, Chris!!!
Good job Tucker. What Butch said and I'm betting you smell a whole lot beter now.
That's pretty funny Willie. You should tell him that this is OK; however, you will need a note from his Mother to confirm this.
Haven't worked since Tuesday but I have a full day scheduled for tomorrow. I have 4 oak removals booked for 9am, should take most of the day. Then I got a call an hour ago from Tom reminding me that I had his oak tree removal booked for tomorrow as well. :O I went and looked at Tom's removal and I think I can knock it out in less than an hour. I'll do that one first thing and hopefully get to my other all day job by 9:30 or so.

Gonna be a lotta tree killin' goin' on tomorrow. :/:
Today went great. Had Matt come down and we removed a 28" DBH poplar along a property line next to a house. We had it on the ground by noon. I thought we were going to have a hard time with the surrounding trees getting limbs caught up. It went great, and the grcs made easy work lifting hung up branchs when it did happen. It was a change being on the ground, felt kinda nice.
I cleaned up a tree that the storm knocked over, ate lunch, and now I'm off to give another few bids since Brendon is hating on my pictures.
Started a 3 year dead pin oak removal this morning but couldn't reach it all with the bucket. Had another job so we did that, now I got to go get a traffic plan so I can close a lane and finish tomorow
Weather is blowing in-supposed to snow tonight but they had predicted that it might start in the afternoon today so I just scheduled a cabling job this morning. Had to climb to do it-no biggie but I think it took me ten minutes to sort and route my lines around all the limbs and cables to come out of the tree. The biggest rope glom I have produced in quite a while.
Took out a bradford pear in a backyard but it had bucket truck access. Went and had a tire replaced on the truck, did a bid and just designed a battery box to take to the metal bending place tomorrow morning. I broke my original plastic box a while back in a accident and will replace it with a iron one.
The AM mower repair took all of five min. Made $20, but had to sit thourgh two hours of BS session!!:lol:

Tore into the Dixon, it was just the broken bolt. They sell a kit, it's a common problem, for $21! Four hours latter it was cutting grass!!
It sucks having a concios!!! I called the guy I got it from so I didn't feel like I ripped him off. "Nope, you got it as is, it's yours, just don't re-sell it right away and we are fine!"
When I woke up this morning my body said, "make Jim(my 20 year old number two climber) climb the harder tree." And so it was. I am going to miss that kid when he goes on his mission. He's just starting to make me money and spell me when I am tired.

Today went smoothly, the customer was happy with our work. Half way through pruning one of two large silver maples, I realized that I was the one who pruned the tree the last time. It was four or five years ago with my old tree service but I am certain it was me. It sort of funny climbing a tree looking at what was cut before and then realizing you were that last guy. I am glad I didn't complain to the customer about the lousy job the last guys did.
Update on the death yesterday. Let me start off by saying the fellow was a long time tree man he had gotten started a few years before hugo(89). He was a very large man in his late 60's. He was crouched down cutting a pine tree making the back cut while his worker pushed on the tree with bobcat. the tree broke or twisted,can't get an exact story, landing directly on the back of his neck and shoulder area. Everyone that I talked to said he was DOA.

Short on help and got a little ahead of himself, is what I was told.

He was falling a whole tree, not a stub, an average sized pine for this area.

Hey Andy... You can make some money with that sucka keeping it... Good on ya !

Day one on the new client and all went well... For us anyway:lol:
The client had opted to do his own chipping with his PTO chipper on the tractor. Ended up getting payed to help him with tools and his chipper.
We had the area cut and started staging in 2 hours.. He had a small mound of chip to show for the whole day. Chipper kept clogging up due to dull blades. He mussed and fussed with it then called us over after unclogging it for about the fourth time.. Was painful to watch. He bought a chinese knock off that has poor access. Took him and Rob both to change the blades. One in the chute and the other in the access panel. He will soon be buying a LONG extension for the allen bolts ;)
All else went well and we are still ahead of schedule. So much so he hired our chipper to help clean up the mess tomorrow. :D
Funny thing was he kept looking up the hill accessing how much material we had laid down each time the chipper messed with him. You could just feel the overwhelmed look on his face. :lol:
got the front yard done, about 2/3 of the 8 yards of soil and roughly 150 yards of sod installed. tomorrow is a small pruning job first thing then do the back yard at today's site.
Yeehaw Squish! I'm sitting here waiting for this storm to drop enough snow for me to go plow.;)