How'd it go today?

Not of the homeowner I wanted pics of...


Nice warm day, too.... tank top and shorts. =P
I've never understood what MILF means, though I often see it being used at some of the more picturesque websites. May I take this opportunity to ask you to translate?
Looked at 7 jobs this afternoon. If everything falls into place we'll be busy through the end of June as things stand. This shit is almost like work.:D
I started the day off pretty good. I was going to go to the steel place to get some iron for my battery cover and instead was called by my worker to give him a ride to my cousin's house so he could work for him for the day. I was kind of perterbed at having to do this but my cousin gave me a piece of metal that will do my cover so I was pretty happy. When I get home I spotted a puddle of water under my pickup and removed the radiator and took it in and they ordered me a new one. I picked the new one up about 4:00 and spent the rest of the day trying to hook up the engine oil cooler lines to it. I'm convinced the fittings are the wrong size now. It was too late to go to the radiator place as it is closed until Monday. I did a lot of cursing this afternoon.
Just got in an hour ago. We had a lane closure permit from 6-8 tonight to finish the dead tree we couldn't do yesterday from the parking lot
I am assuming that went well Willie?

Brian, that really hurts. I would have flipped out and gone into "I just can't own good things," rant. I felt similarly today when I saw one my guys throwing a pair of my Felcos to my other employee who dropped them on the pavement, gouging up the handle. Why anyone would think it is a good idea to throw hand snips is beyond me.

Today was parent teacher conferences at school. Fortunately I had a decent half day job a block away from my house. I set the guys up on that and went to school. When I got back the guys were nearly done. I left them the final clean up and let them enjoy the rest of a gorgeous day. I took the truck to the dump and then headed to a bid for a guy that called me this morning and had to have me come out today. Because he realized he needed tree work today it suddenly became urgent. He dropped the name of the expensive subdivision twice. It bothers me when people tell me what subdivision they are in rather than just giving me their street address. I really do not care what sub they are in or which golf course it is next to. The punch line to the whole bit was, I was there on time and the owner couldn't make it. I worked up a bid and left it. As I was heading out I could see him coming in. I had spent good deal of time waiting and then doing the bid so when I saw him coming in just as I was leaving, I checked to see if he saw me and then slunk away not wanting to lose more of my day to the guy. That was bad of me I guess.
Darin, I also am annoyed by subdivision and development references-I just want an address. if it is somewhere hard to find then directions are appreciated -after giving me an address I don't recognize. As for dipthongs who are in such an all-fired hurry that they don't mind wasting MY time-I feel your pain. It is really cool. I didn't know that YOU could be annoyed.8)
In the process of removing the old anvil in my chipper. Sucker doesn't want to come out. :X
Anvils suck to remove. Espically on ours, where we have to crank up the feed wheel with the jack, and remove the bolts that hold the two big springs and place so we can lift the feed wheel.

Today went well. Started out pretty bad, chipper was clogged twice on the same job, but it was a quick fix. 10 minute chip job turned into a 30 minute job. Second job went nicely. 3 trees, 2 Elms and another I couldn't identify because of all the Ivy. Just storm cleanup work from the ice storm, nothing fancy on rigging or anything. But we did pick up a couple of jobs from neighbors while we were there. I finally got to climb again this week, did a quick climb up a birch to cut a single broken limb, made a quick $20.
Well feeling like a bit of a punk today. I bailed on this cottonwood. Wasn't about to climb/rig off of it. I dunno some of you crazy's here might of but this bastard was far gone. I was gonna pull it into a lay I had but the lean and the crown was dead set against it and I made the call that I couldn't trust the hinge on this bastard. The pics up close show were I could've gotten out of the bucket and started climbing from. Wasn't happening for me. Probably going to piece it out from a crane if the owner wants to go for it. I was just doing the job at a low(er) hourly rate for a neighbor, it's at their cabin.

Feeling kinda bummed.:(


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And live to climb another day... Trust your inner feeling Squish.. I wouldn't have climbed it either... Now if I had two trees I could rope off from and work my way over ....... Seriously.. trust your inner voice... And your not a punk :D
Looks pretty far gone to me as well, Justin. And it doesn't look like rigging it off itself would have worked, it would have shattered. Is that a service line running underneath the tree?

And the only way I'm climbing something that dead is to start at the ground and be very aware on my way up, looking for potential failure points. No way would I jump out of a bucket 60' up on something that rotten.
I had it rigged to pull and was standing there with the 660 running but couldn't bring myself to notch it. I made a vertical test bore and nothing but fine dust. I've never come that far and backed off. Alot of lines and a boathouse/shed thingy that would add up fast if I forked it up.