How'd it go today?

The kid is probably already hooked on kimchee.

Those Korean babies are adorable. I was on a flight once where two people from an adoption service were heading back to the states with a bunch in tow. People on the plane were helping out by holding the babies. One fell asleep on my lap...will never forget it. Precious little thing.
here he is

no solids yet but i guess kimchee may not be considered solid:lol:
:) Kids should be raised by their parents, not daycares.
I totally agree .

In todays inflated prices etc it's not always possible for the mother not to have a job or in many cases mama is the bread winner . Young women have babies ,just the way it works .Some more progressive companies ,Honda for example has day care right on site .

I think it's great .The Africans have a saying ."it takes the whole village to raise a child " .It doesn't hurt a bit when companies or even the gov lends a little hand now and again .:)
They'd let you chip on the shoulder Cursed?
Yes. With almost 300.00 in permits. I can then put up two shoulder signs, at least 6 cones, three vests and chip for 1/2 hour and move on... Not worth the money or the aggravation. I know the homeowner wont fly with it. But like I said, If they want the steep one cleared, I would do it. It would entail all the same parameters, but I would be repelling over the road, lowering brush down to the side of the road and chipping it.
Don't your people do that for you? JK. Cursed I was working along Hwy 132 one time, not along the road but we were dumping chips around a bunch of trees that were in the easement or close to I don't remember. Cal Trans stops and talks to the property owner (this is a restaurant/service station and old water park place) saying that when the chips dry out they will be a fire hazard. So he said that we should stop putting any more chips there and that we should make plans for picking up the chips already in place. The property owner requested the Cal Trans guy's superviser's phone number and after the guy left he called the superviser and the superviser said to him "don't worry as long as the trees aren't too close to the easement there won't be any problem. I'll come check it out in the next few days". I went by there a couple of months ago and everything is still the same. We put 5 loads of chips there from his park in the back.
Thanks for the good wishes everybody. We just moved up to a different floor, and out of the ICU, so that's a good sign. She woke up this morning and started pulling at all the tubes and wires. Pulled her IV out, thank god we caught her before she tried pulling the folley out.
She's still very weak and dopey from the meds, and we're told that later tonight she will be showing more strength and appetite. We'll be here til at least monday. Neurology has tons of tests they want to do. The preliminary meningitis test came back negative, and tomorrow night we'll have complete results of that test.
Jonny, good thoughts coming your daughters way man.

Snow here finally, busier than hell now. And what comes with the snowfall, phone starts ringing off the hook for treework, geez people what gives?8)
Prayers sent your way, Jonny.....hope your wife is coping with all's so hard when your kids are sick and the unknown is shouting in your ear. Good luck.
Good luck Johnny. I did a couple of bids this morning and then I took my Dad over to my cousin's house to work on the RD-6 which the pony motor won't start. We took the carburator off and checked everything out, one jet was clogged, my cousin reassembled it and it does the same thing. It will start on ether but as soon as the ether runs out it stops. The bowl has gas in it but none seems to be making it to the jets. Runs for just a few seconds and then quits.
A productive day today. Took down 2 leaning spruces at the County Administration building and ground the stumps.
So I was under the bucket truck today greasing things up when I noticed the left rear brake caliper didn't look right. Closer inspection revealed the two bolts that are supposed to hold it in place were GONE. The upper was sheared off and the lower was missing. WTF!!! It's apparently been that way for a while since the caliper body had been worn down about half an inch where it was scrapping on the wheel rim. Jacked it up, pulled the wheels off and found no other damage. Had to loosen the leaf springs and move that whole mess around to get enough clearance to drill out the broken bolt. Took about two hours all together, but I'm sure glad I saw it before things went real bad.
Today went well so to speak .. I am just fricken tired. And of course another no burn day so the drags were long. Jeremy was a no show. Gonna have to kick that boy in the butt. Ever since the "new girlfriend" his work and work ethic is on the slide. He is going to be leaving the ranks here soon and move out of town. SO part of me says "lets just get through this and stick with just Rob and I to make the work run longer".
White oak TD tomorrow along with a hazard limb removal. Limb would not be a hazard if they just parked different. Well its money :D. The TD is all pecker holed and pretty hollow, just need to top it so I can drop it. Power pole, guy line, electric panel (what its doing in the middle of the yard on posts is beyond me), fence and neighbors drive way (also a customer) in with in reach of it. Should be a good day even though it was supposed to be my day off. Man if this tree wasn't dropping pieces of itself regular I would have put it off for at least a week ;)
Andy, just think of the apostrophe as a substitute for the letter 'a'.
you're = you are
Any time you write you're just read it back to yourself as you are. If it doesn't sound right then use your.
'N den der b ridnik, witch b wat I'z used to writen outs al d timez. C I cun talkz liks dis all da imex ahso!!

C M Duck?
M R Not Ducks!
R 2 C M Wings?
Y I B, M R Ducks!!!