How'd it go today?

I wish I could get payed for taking care of my equipment. I'm usually getting so much per day to remove trees, but for nearly every job, I should be figuring in generally another 2-3 hours for maintenance.

Before starting work, my saws are usually clean and ready to rock and roll, I find it makes life easier to do that, with a shake of pride added in, but no extra money goes with it.

On the good side, spent the day with a beautiful woman driving around the countryside, had lunch at a lake side Italian place. Life isn't all bad :D

Jay... What I do is figure 40 percent of the gross is needed for equipment running, repair and replacement costs. I divide that by hours worked. SO for every 100.00 made, 40.00 will realistically be my costs in running, repairing and replacing the equipment. So say I made $20.00 per hour brushing. $8.00 per hour is my equipment cost. That's fuel, chain, oil, mix oil, bars, repairs and replacement when time to. SO realistically I make 12.00 per hour before other expenses. Now If I want to make sure my hourly charge will take care of the equipment, I have to up my cost accordingly to help pay for that. These guys that don't do that burn up their equipment and can't repair or replace it thus stop working and fail business wise. The guys that underbid will eventually fail as they are short sighted and won't be able to absorb costs when things need replaced or upgraded. Costs of doing business only go up.. period.
So when a tree guy charges 100-300 per hour, his costs are figured in that he will have to maintain his equipment, pay crew, fuel in truck and equipment, replacement etc. and his knowledge should be the charge which is profit for his own personal lively hood. My books are at about 40 percent of the receipts for both Robert and I. We split that 15/25 He is the 25. But he gets more tax breaks than I do with his kids and absorbs more income in the household than I to lessen my tax obligation:) Make sense?
Sounds like a good approach, thanks. I'm going to figure that in when I do my own work. Unfortunately, most of the tree removals are the crane operator hiring me at a wage that has developed from day one. He gave me an unsolicited raise, and I already make more than any additional help that might be on the job, with the exception of one other guy who does most of the high work, at the same rate. The other help uses the crane guy's saws, I bring my own. Mine run better as a rule, but I'm not getting compensated for that little fact. Not complaining so much really, just wishin'. Wages have gone down around here as a rule, I'm pretty thankful for what I get....and with the crane guy, cash at the end of the day.
Was an example Biv.... And in brushing that's all we can charge in this part of the woods.... That's the highest rate for brushing up here unless you contract out to county or forestry service.. Private sector will not pay more than that... We are in a very depressed area of California economy. Now tree work on the other hand ;) that be the gravy.. Sooooooo business plan...
Brush (which includes weed eat in summer) to increase client base and pay bottom line bills and run company (with creativeness of finances of course ;) ) Get tree work on a 200 client base to make money :D
Keep track of your expenses Jay using a spread sheet itemized to each purchase.. Track your transportation, fuel (separate for equipment and type of equipment), consumables (bar oil, mix oil, bars, chain etc.) and subtract it from your income gross. I use Google spread sheets backed up by Open Office (they are compatible up and down load for storage) and both are easy to use. If you break it down and then look at the overall picture, you will know where your charges should be to make the hourly wage you need to live on. Then figure your hourly rate based on that. Or incorporate into your bidding. If you are already profitable and have not suffered for buying the things that you need to perform the work or replace/repair the equipment, you probably don't have to fix what ain't broke. But I would track it anyway so you know how to move and when to move on your bidding etc. with the changes in expenditures. Make sense?
I hope your kid is doing better Jonny.

Today we took down a lunker willow tree. Around 36 cubic yards worth. I hired two extra guys for the day and everything went smooth. I bid the job some time ago and thought it would take a day and a half and bid it accordingly. We did it in seven hours. I wish I was done for the week but we have to make up Monday's jobs tomorrow as I was sick that day. One day off will have to do. I think I am going to have take a vacation in January even if things don't slow down. I think we are going to drive to California to see family, go hiking, visit the redwoods, walk along the beach, check out the new Asian Art Museum in SFO and eat at all of our favorite restaurants.
Spinal tap?! OMG, they'd have to sedate ME if my kid had to go through that. I used to have to watch little kids getting bone marrow aspirations. Tore me can be so stoic.

Hope all went well.
Well today started out real well and ended just fine... Just some issue came up as we were clearing an arroyo that is a severe fire hazard to a home up the steep hill from it.
We were about 5 hours in working from the bottom of the hill that is on a hwy. Truck off shoulder, triangles out just for measure working on private property. Not burning or chipping etc. Just staging brush as we cut. CalTrans car pulls up and turns on the flashing bubble top. I climb down to the road and see whats up... I am being questioned in a rather confrontational tone about permits etc. I ask who he was and he identified himself. I responded we do not need a permit for work on private property in this county and how can I help him, is there a problem. First accuses me of cutting on the easement. Show him stumps past easement and pointed out we did not cut in easement. Finally, after all is said and he is basically calmed down (being I was just being as nice as possible and co-operative, I need a permit to park my truck on the shoulder (pullout) to access my work. Along with all the safety signs, cones, vests (not even near the road folks) I also need a permit. So does the homeowner... 184.00 for the home owner, 84.00 for me. I apologize and let him know I honestly did not know this was needed. I am told I have to chip the material not burn it if I have to access this part of the arroyo from the road (45 degree slope here folks), there is no fixed distance they are in charge of (easement) but he shows me what he would consider it to be. All said and done... we're laughing, shaking hands, exchanging cards and moving the truck with out a fine (for parking on a public hwy)and him complimenting our work and thanking us for our contribution to fire safety in the community. ;)
Verdict.... Hell no I ain't paying or asking my customer to pay for permits for working on their property. I am going to cut a hole above the CalTrans so called easement, burn the shat up hill from where we staged it (approx 40-50 feet up a slope) and get on with life.
Now if the homeowner wants me to take the brush off the 70 degree slope, roped off and needing permits on my climb rate as I will have to repel down to it and be belayed off and lower all the brush to the shoulder and be chipping it.. I will advise them the cost, put the permits on them and make some serious bank.. NP. Just thought I would share this experience for those that might save themselves some fines and aggravation.
I have never been called on this before. Luck? Naww I think they need revenue. Sign of the times in my small village.
went to the dump this morning to drop off some branches, did two bids then came home for a few hours of goofing off on the computer. Took a pseudo nap from 3 to 4, headed in to the garden center for a 5 to 9 shift selling christmas trees. was pretty brisk, now home to some tater chips, the last bit of the jim carrey Grinch movie. Bub was asleep when I got home, I didnt get to take him for his walk or say goodnight :( . Back to the store for an 11 to 5:30 shift tomorrow then a christmas party for my wifes workplace (former, perhaps she will return after her maternity leave).
LJ, up here there is 3 months maternity then 9 months parental meaning either of us can take the time off from our wage job alas my self employment negates my choice to stay home. She has till feb 24, 2009 off with 60% pay, then she and I are on our own. :)
She has till feb 24, 2009 off with 60% pay, then she and I are on our own. :)
See,that's a negotiated thing and I don't have a problem with it .Evidently some people do .

Mama's have to be mama's ,no matter what the rat race of commerce might dictate or attempt to do . You want talented young ladies in the work force you gotta cut some slack .Only the young bear fruit .The old give support .Just the way it is .
Its the federal program, available to all canadian parents. Part of our social support system.
I am hoping to be able to make enough to have her stay home till Bub is in school then she can go back to work part time and still drop him off and pick him up. :) Kids should be raised by their parents, not daycares.
Sorry to hear about your kid Johnny, hope for a speedy recovery.

Kids are cool, you guys got alot to take care of.

No kids here (yet!).

My brother and his fiance just had a daughter, she's awesome, a little jewel.
Madison had another siezure today. Poor kid doesn't do well with fevers. So we're in ICU at Buffalo women's and children's hospital. They just booted me out of the room so they can do a spinal tap to check for meningitis. She's a tough baby girl, she'll be herself in a day or two.

How she doing Jonny?
just took my buddy and his wife to the airport. they are finally going to seoul korea to adopt a child. been in the process for a couple years. got matched months ago but are finally allow to go pick up clayson!

cursed, its the same way here, you need to be preapproved, have insurance on file with the municipality/ county/ state to work on the right of way. that includes parking on it, dargging brush across it etc.