How'd it go today?

Had a good day today... Trimmed out the dead on four white/valley oaks today for about 5 hours ... Had to have the groundie pitch all the debris and clean up over the fench to the chipper as there was no access. Went well and was a fun climb anyway...

F-350 has the new motor mounts on it and the motor in now in the engine bay.. .Ran out of day light however and went to lighting, but .. hell with it.. taking the day off tomorrow to finish placing the motor... just would not line up without more light.. Why stress.. Worked out fine for the groundie having a day off as his girl is in town. And Client tomorrow is a reg. and will just see us Sat.. Just means we'll get one more day out of her in Nov. Prior to burn season that she has already budgeted for.. :)
Kids got to spend some time with grandma and grandpa today as did the Mrs. and they had a great time.. :)
Good day!
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My two guys cut the heck out of a big willow today. Owner had us take off probably 80% of the leaf surface area. A few months ago I took out a incense cedar for my neighbor in exchange for him picking up my walnuts. He showed up today and here is a picture. Bumper crop by the way, usually I have a trailer and a half and this time I got two trailers and they are full and we will need a third and maybe a fourth.

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Take me about a hour to take them down to the local huller/dryer and then wait a couple of months for a check in the mail.
Same company every year. Back in about 1998 some companies would come out to the field and bid on lots of walnuts but then the price went down later and several of them went bankrupt. (that's another story) So since then they won't bid on it it's just let us have them, we will market them, pay ourselves, and give you what's left.
My assumtion is that those nuts are the English thin skinned not the hard as a rock black walnuts we have around here that will knock you out after a fall from an 80 foot tree .
We use your kind for a root stock and then graft on the english walnut variety that we want to it. Some growers will use a hybrid root stock of the two and graft on to that. My neighbor has one of yours and I am going to get some of his black walnut nuts to plant some replants in my orchard. The graft ends up looking like this.


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Strange looking things I have to say .:/: Well,they say all hybrid roses use multiflora rose root stock . I can tell you first hand what happens if you prune one back too far,you get a multiflora ,about as useless as teats on a boar .My wife still is a little miffed after I screwed up one her American beauties pruning it too tough .
Got in touch with the insurance agent on the job I was going to start yesterday. He's footing bill, which is good for the homeowner.

I'm off to play in the mess that is wisteria covered oak tree.
Got the engine back in the F350 today and started some re-assembly .. Took the day off to do so . Katy felt it was a good opportunity to take the boys to the pumpkin patch and pony ride. Turns out they donned a unicorn horn and they were horses not ponies. Guess the pony was misbehaving. Boys loved it and I had to ride with the two year old in my lap. So hey I got to ride for free.... Whoo Hooo!. So I rode a bit fast in the arena.. They was fine wit it... HEHEHEH
Pruned a horse chestnut, removed an enormous red maple top hung in a white oak. No pics...:cry: too busy cutting. :D
Well I dunno maybe this is more common than I know about but I don't notice it much. This is a pic of a willow branch growing out of a poplar. The guy that owns this place grew up here (family farm) and said that no one to his knowledge ever 'grafted' it on or ever really noticed it at all before I did a double take today. There is a willow tree near the poplar but it's definetly not connected to it in any way. I thought it was kind of neat.


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Walked off one brushing job after an hour after re assessing it. Gonna have to call the client and re sched as it will be more affective if we burn as we go after dec first. Just really no place to stage all the brush. Went over to another job we were supposed to continue with yesterday (couldn't as we were still putting in the engine in the F350) and got a start for Sat when we will be there next if no rain. Then rained out.. Home...
Carved pumpkins with the boys and waiting till dark to see how they came out :)

First pumpkin the youngest... he was excited... Tore it up with my help and chef's knife collection.. No he did not get to use the sharp ones.. LOL
Stehansen, I used to mill walnut at a place called Linden, near Stockton I believe it is. At this one orchard where I had a deal going with the owner, I milled, he got half :( ...... I was forever running into these small thin metal plates, there'd be numerous inside a tree. The owner didn't recall where they came from. They sure played havoc on the chain. Any idea what they were for, from years back obviously.
I've been to Linden many times, we used to play them in sports in high school. Did you mill boards from trees like I showed up at the top of the page?
Willows will grow anywhere. The branch must have shed in a storm and just happen to light in the poplar. Dang willows will grow from just a chip, it seems.
There are lots of trees made exclusively by grafting.

Camperdown Elm (Ulmus Camperdownii) for one.
Willows will grow anywhere. The branch must have shed in a storm and just happen to light in the poplar. Dang willows will grow from just a chip, it seems.

That's what I figure cause willows are so prolific. It's got quite the attachment point. The pictures aren't really that great but it's formed just like a limb would be. Just sort of an oddity I guess.
You all may find this hard to believe but I saw a weeping willow sprout from a piece of discarded fire wood .Odd to burn willow,I agree but it happened . That damned thing got to about three feet across before they took it down .Of course being a willow that only took about 20 years .