How'd it go today?

why's it coming down

It may not be coming down. Homeowner is tired of leaves in his pool, though about 45% of the canopy's density is over the pool, I gave a price for removal and a price for thinning, crown cleaning, and reduction if he decides to suck it up and pay a neighborhood kid to rake the leaves.

The tree could use some work and would be nice if he decided to. We'll see... I'm just thinking it over now. There's a lot of big wood in that tree, and a lot of climbing regardless of what the homeowner chooses. 8)
i can pick up waaay bigger wood with forks than the BMG can think about. bigger the wood the less cutting, the less clean up
...yeah, for really large diameter wood I could see forks being useful. But then when it gets that big you're probably pushing the mini's capacity, so you could cut smaller cookies or rip them in half instead. Either way, if one of you gets tired of yours, mini me!!
I'd sell mine, and they'd be alot closer to you, and I already owe you money. ;)

I used mine on one job before I got the grapple and, afaik, one job after, the grapple rocks.
I've used forks on a fullsize bobcat before for moving wood and they were effective so I'll beleive it works. Just the BMG is so damn versatile. I love grappling stuff.:evil:

I've got a couple of giant cottonwoods to do later this week no clean-up but I may feel inclined to organize the big stuff a bit. Might have to try out the forks maybe.
Used forks on a couple big Grey Pines and loaded them right on the burn pile with them on a john deer. Worked great .... I saving my pennies and then I will add a PTO chippy on it... :)
I was given a card by a guy in the hardware store who buys logs a couple of weeks ago. Of course I had just cut up a big sycamore trunk and the only large removal I have had since has been a cottonwood.
Back in the saddle,sort of

Not the climbing saddle ,heaven forbid,the 'puter saddle .I've got the guru here as I type .Everything back to normal,'puter wise .

The problems came through on a windows security update that wifey dear had downloaded .She meant well ,bless her heart .
Pruned a big ole elm today. Then TD'd two dead poplars one was a flop and the other was a two part flop and then pruned a russian olive.

All with no clean-up.:)
Lol, subbing to another crew. Their big saw a 260 was so damn dull I couldn't stand it anymore. I filed it for them before I left. You know when a 3 inch cut is taking a minute, smoke is pouring off of it, and the operator is moving the saw forward and back to 'help' the cutting that things are in dire straits. Lol saved them a trip to the sawshop, to have their saw sharpened.:|:
Whupped again!! There was a 6"x 6" cedar post holding up the front porch that was rotting out. We came up with a plan of wrapping it with pressure treated wood cut to fit. I looked good when done. Got most of te primming done, should get a good run on paint tommorow, should be in the 70's the next two days!!!
Then I came home and trimmed out one of the new windows I put in last weekend.
Ashplund called and will have a crew out tommorow to clear the tree from the lines on the other job, so I can start on it nexp week.
The guy with the fence job is cringing with my bid, so I have to go meet with him next week as well.
Sounds like the strike might be coming to an end as well:cry: I am getting things setup, but no where near ready to walk out, and with the economy as it is, I am not sure I could turn them away right now!