How'd it go today?

And they wonder at the rental agencies I do work for why I won't trim or take down a tree till I meet with them at the site... I never want to have to explain why the wrong tree went down or such.

Anyway... Yesterday went well on a clearing job... And I am thankful today I finally got a break from clearing poison oak. Heck we had been chipping it for three days and went in on another job and pulled loads of it and staged it for burn come winter... Pay was good this week from it all though and will help pay for Brian fixing that 200t of mine :)
Today I stained a log cabin for a customer we power washed last week... Rob and I did it (masked off and sprayed, cleaned up and such) in 6 1/2 hours... And got a lunch from the customer and freshly brewed coffee too boot. No out lay on the job as customer bought all we needed, just had to bring a couple extra ladders and the sprayer... Perfectly awesome day. And they booked a day next month also. :)
I forgot a funny story behind us chipping poison oak on Friday. Rob and I were working the chipper that has two feed shoots. One is for chipping, the other for shredding small material. However you can feed up to one inch into it, nice for clean up. Anyway, our groundie Jeremy is rather afraid of the thing as he gets whipped with stuff from time to time and hates it. Does not deal well with pain... So we always give him a rash of shat about it... So as Rob and I are workin it, I feed in a decent size length of poison oak that had been pulled out of a tree. I thought it was only about 10 feet long... The shredder shoot just grabs it and pulls it in usually and if ya quick about it, you usually don't get hit or whipped to bad... I was WRONG!.. That sucker was about 20 foot long... I was dodging it and it was like getting a cat of nine tails whip across my back.... I was like F**KN OUCH and leaned over nursing my wound and then I notice Rob waddling around holding his crotch with a not so wonderful look of pain on his face.. First I thought he had got hit from something he has doing.. But nope, I had taken both of us out.... Jeremy the groundie is now just lookin at us with a puzzled look from about 40 feet away.... Thinkin after our explanation he aint never gonna get near the chipper again ... LMAO. We laughed our butts off after we took a break to let the wounds ease up.. LMAO
I succeeded in changing the engine oil and lubing the bucket truck and winterized the evaporative cooler.

Brian, should you encounter the guy who serviced the truck before you brought it out, please inform him that there is a guy in Colorado who thought and said some rather untoward things about his intelligence and parentage. He failed to oil the gasket surfaces of the oil filters. I completely crushed one with a strap wrench AND had to put a torch on it before I managed to budge it!
Sorry about that, Justin. I was just looking at my hour meter yesterday and thinking I'll be due for another service next month. I was planning on going back to that same place but maybe I'll look around and see what else is available. Zoning laws and my PITA next door neighbor prohibit me from doing it myself. She'd have the cops here writing me up before I could get the oil changed. :(

The place that charged me over $1600 for rear brakes on that truck has since changed ownership. Maybe I can try them again for the oil change/ service? :cry:
Skwerl, you're saying you can't change the oil in your own friggin' vehicle because of the zoning laws?
Correct. I cannot do repair work on a commercial truck in my residential neighborhood. And I can't do it at the storage lot where I park it either.
I can't change my own oil either. Nothing to do with zoning or neighbors, mostly I'm just an idiot.
Oh it's simple as falling off a log .Righty tighty ,lefty loosey .Tight is tight ,too tight is broke .

I know, I do it on everyhting else, tractor etc. Just can't bring myself to do it on the trucks. Mental block of some sort. Plus the place that does all of my vehicle work is so damn cheap anyhow.
Plus the place that does all of my vehicle work is so damn cheap anyhow.
Lot of truth to that .I only save a couple of bucks by doing it myself .

I have a car hoist so it's not a big deal .Besides I can inspect things as they deteriate .Two types of vehicles --those that leak oil and those that haven't yet .They all do in time . Not a big deal keeps the driveway from rusting .
Mike, Cheap is good. I take the pick-up in to an oil change place most of the time. Ditto for the Chip truck. That Intn'l takes 4 gallons of oil but if I supply the oil they only charge $40 to drain, change filter (which they supply) refill and lube it. I can't afford to spend the time on it . Unfortunately the Bucket truck is too heavy for their bay and the local truck service center wanted $160 PLUS fluids. That seemed excessive for pulling a drain plug and unscrewing 2 filters and reversing the process. In hindsight it wouldn't have been too bad considering the hours I spent chasing down a better wrench and fighting the front filter off, but I don't expect it to ever be so difficult again.
I pay about $200 for lube, oil and filter. The blue beast only holds 12 quarts so that was kinda a rip. My current Cat holds either 16 or 20, I can't recall.
Brian, when I lived in AZ my neighborhood ASSOC and zoning would not allow me to either.. Now in my garage, no one would know, but most work trucks dont fit in garages on houses do they. Kinda Sucked. I can totally relate.
I pay about $200 for lube, oil and filter. The blue beast only holds 12 quarts so that was kinda a rip. My current Cat holds either 16 or 20, I can't recall.
My dad payed 75-80 bucks on the motorhome .If he did it himself it was 60 .That Cummins holds about 4-5 gallons ,Shell Rotella .I imagine though that with the increase of oil products the price is likely higher .
Rotella is probably the worst oil I've ever used. Everybody I know who has used Rotella exclusively in their machines ends up with a weak, oil burning motor after a few years. My last oil change on my truck they used Rotella and my oil pressure dropped an average of 10 lbs from the old oil. It rattled and knocked at an idle when warm because the oiil pressure was down to nothing. I drained out a little and added a gallon of Mobil conventional 15-40 and my oil pressure came back up.

Rotella sucks, it's like water!
Today? got up late, not really hung over.... went to bed at 2am...

was up at 0845. did some breakfast, went to a funeral, took Bub out of the funeral afer 5 mins as he was a fussin.... wandered about outside, hip swayed (come on moms and dads you know what that is...) with Bub on my hip/chest/arms... till the service was over as Bub was making clucky and whiney sounds....

had supper at the inlaws, rode shotgun on the ride home, unloaded the gear, took Bub for a walk as usual.. now home to watch Housewives and have a snack before bedtime. :)
Rotella is probably the worst oil I've ever used. Everybody I know who has used Rotella exclusively in their machines ends up with a weak, oil burning motor after a few years. My last oil change on my truck they used Rotella and my oil pressure dropped an average of 10 lbs from the old oil. It rattled and knocked at an idle when warm because the oiil pressure was down to nothing. I drained out a little and added a gallon of Mobil conventional 15-40 and my oil pressure came back up.

Rotella sucks, it's like water!

Walmart bar oil sucks, it IS like water and makes Stihl oil seem like honey.

We have about 35-3600 hours on our stump grinders, both ran on Rotella since the first time we changed the oil. Neither burn oil, knock, or otherwise show any illness from running on Rotella. We had the head off the RG85 a couple-three-four hundred hours ago. The bores looked primo. I figure we should get another 2k or more out of the bottom end. The head was referbed (nothing major, squared the deck and adjusted valve lash) while it was off, it should be good for as long as the bottom end is.