How'd it go today?

I talked to the adjuster from State Farm about a tree that fell in a back yard, smushin a fence and causing a mess. I gave him the ballpark on my bid (Equal or less than $2k) and he said, "Are you serious??"

For a moment I thought I was fixing to get chewed by the insurance dude, which would be a first. He told the home owner if my bid came in around that figure that he'd have no problems with that in the slightest.

I'll have about $80 in fuel expense, $300 for a semi wrecker to get the stump back in the dude's yard, and about 10 hours time invested (including bid time) if everything goes well. If it looks like I might could get the stump up with the tractor and/or winch, that'd save the $300 and cost about $20 more in fuel.
Jay: Eric was meaning you need to get out of the house and chase some tail!!! You're young, make good money, go see what the world has to offer, you don't get any younger, and a little companionship now and then wont hurt anything!!! We ain't saying to get married, but it sure wouldn't hurt you to shake a tree or two;)

I'm beat!! Mama wanted the windows replaced in Bubbas room, THIS WEEKEND!! Ever try to find you're windows in stock at a store? Yea:lol:
I got one today, that side needed a new piece of siding (4x9 masonite) replaced where the window was at. I found windows the same width, but longer. The sawzall has been my friend!!!
I swore I had the finish nails for the brick moulding (I went PVC) but I can't find them! Put that up and some caulking and the outside is done. I am scared of what inside is going to bring:cry:
good day got two and 3/4 saws fixed, mirrors on new chip truck and dumped it, rotovated wifes flower beds, split and stacked nearly half a cord of madrone, and mailed out 7500 dollars in bills and taxes. last part not so good but the rest was
I went to Wells Nevada and cowboyed for a year and then came back to my hometown when I was 20. Moved back in with my parents and didn't move out until I was 25. By this time I owned a house but it was rented out. I finally moved out because I thought this is getting ridiculous, my Dad was sad.
Have you seen Brokeback Mountain? The job they were doing, guarding sheep? I wonder how much that weird gig paid.
Jay: Eric was meaning you need to get out of the house and chase some tail!!! You're young, make good money, go see what the world has to offer, you don't get any younger, and a little companionship now and then wont hurt anything!!! We ain't saying to get married, but it sure wouldn't hurt you to shake a tree or two;)

They called us "Bucaroos". They had some sheep also and had these guys taking care of them that lived in little trailers, Paco and Lalo. One of them was from Argentina and the other one was from Spain. They would pay to have hookers from the local establishment come out to their trailers.
No we didn't do any remote stuff like that. We stayed in the old 2 story ranch house and the foreman had a house and the owner had a house. They had a ranch at Elko also but we would just get up at about 3 AM and load the horses up in a bobtail truck and be back about dark. They also had a place in Twin Falls, ID and we went up there once and the owner had us flown in a small plane and we came back the same day. I didn't know of anyone doing the tent thing. I got an offer of looking after some cattle for the winter north of Elko around Wildhorse Lake but they had a cabin to stay in. It gets way below zero in that country. I decided to head back to a warmer climate, and a chance to make more than $10/day.
forgot, i also changed knives, fixed the bent arch on the chipper winch and trimmed some tabs off the chipper mount that have been bugging me. man i love it whe i get stuff done!
Too windy to flop trees, decided after I got to the job site, so went back to the shop to do not much. I did manage to mix up a new container of gas and oil for a lot of tree work waiting in the wings. The farmer neighbor brought over two chainsaws that don't start. I fixed one, the other looked like a major operation that I didn't want to get involved in, partially because he never cleans his saws....ever. I filled up his gas and oil tank on the running one and sent him on his way. Told him yeah, I will bring him home some firewood :roll:

On the way home I dropped off a book at a friend's house that he wants to read. He was hassleing his wife over some real stupid sh*t, really being a mean jackazz. It bothered me so I shoved off quick, probably hit the sack early and hope for a more productive day manana.
Today I had to replace a tub/shower faucet control ,what a pain .Behind a fiberglass tub/shower ,no access . I did it all though the hole the mixing faucet fits in .

One of the many jobs I had in my youth was working at a plumbing shop .I know how I just don't really care to do plumbing but then I don't like paying 50-60 bucks an hour either .

Well ,I got-er -done and wifey dear has a nice T-bone sizzling away as I type so maybe the rest of the day will be better .;)
So did you ever cut down the wrong tree? :X This guy gives me his address of one of his properties, the tree is in the back of the parking lot, on the left behind the dumpsters...OK give him a price...went and did it today. Called him left a message telling it was done, send check, yada yada. Calls me back, "Hey the tree is still standing", I said BS I did it this morning...he said "The tree behind the dumpsters, to the left at the end of the parking lot"..."Ya" I said. He said, "OMG, you were in the parking lot behind mine!" I said "What are the chances of that...a dead tree at the end of the parking lot to the left behind the dumpsters". So it was the wrong tree. So I run up there in the dark to look at the RIGHT tree, 50' from the tree we did in the parking lot in back. He said we'll work something out...hopefully I/we won't get in trouble for taking down a dead tree for FREE--FAWK! :X Only took an hour with no chipper or nothing, just drop, I'll add some on his new estimate...shhhhh :/:.


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That sucks, but it's his mistake and not yours. If he gives you a hard time about the money, simply ask him to explain why you should have to pay for his mistake? You didn't do anything wrong, he did. He hired you to cut down the tree, you cut down the tree, he owes you. Period.
That's what I'm thinking. If he offers for a split or something I'd jump, but we are both at fault. It was an easy hours work, just tack some on to the REAL tree and go on with life. He's going to be disapointed, the tree I cut down was suppose to only be $450, his tree's a little less than double that! Ha.
I've done that once, and I got paid for both trees.

Now if I aint meeting them and they have more than 1 tree that can fit that discription in their yard, I make them mark the tree.