How'd it go today?

Hell I'm better already! Partied er up last night and worked all day today. Another big old lombardy that had been topped about 10-15 years ago. Massive decay inside.
How about your uncle, Justin? Is he back up and at 'em again?

Another quiet day here, got my lawn mowed this morning (probably my last time this year). I got work for tomorrow and tuesday, so things are looking up a little.
Bolted up my chipbox today, put the roof peice on, along with the pole tool holder. Tommorrow I gotta little Maple to kill. Hopefully be done by noon.
Wow, somebody flipped a switch and turned the work back on! Nothing huge, but I have some work scheduled for 4 days this week already. And the week hasn't even started yet. That's more than the last 2 weeks combined. :)
Hell yeah. I'm looking forward to some good work this week too. I hope it keeps up for ya.
Had a birthday party for my Dad today, 85 years. I have work scheduled through this next week but nothing after that.
Guy came and looked at the truck I have for sale. Looking up! He is staying in town and says he will place the $ in my hand tomorrow when the banks open.
:) Glad to get rid of that crappy truck.

Went to a b-day party. They had this tug-o-war going on. Old guys against the young crowd. 'bout 30 people on each end of the rope.

Us oldsters beat their asses
Very cool Butch!

Trying to get my unemployment filed. It's raining out, so I have all day to do it. Looks like I'm going to need it! I tried online, but they have me in the system from 5 years ago so I have to call in. Ok, so I call in, "We are experiancing a high volume of calls right now, please call back later."
Then they hang up on you. AHHHHH I love a government at work:lol:

Got a job tonight at a higher price than another company, just be being personable and professional. She told me the other guy seemed shifty.:/: I said he probably is!:D

Got a job tonight at a higher price than another company, just be being personable and professional. She told me the other guy seemed shifty.:/: I said he probably is!:D

Wow. I'm trying to imagine this guy that made Squishy seem so respectable--Must be an amalgam of Lowball Dave and All American Steve.:P
worked for a retired tree guy today, thought he would be a pain but the guys enjoyed him and he paid right away happily. got the burned truck running again but its a bit low on power. better sell it quick:/: