How'd it go today?

I think you're confusing Al with me there Skwerl. I've got two old f-350's on propane. But neither are for sale.
Readin' too fast, was distracted by this yummy chocolate milkshake (lunch from Steak 'n' Shake). Sorry Skwishey. :D

Good luck selling the truck, Al. I think you got your money's worth out of it. ;)
Sunday morning for me we have started daylight savings today, 3 weeks early?

so from mostly 6 hours a day due to the dark and cold, to 12 hours a day of beeming sunshine.

Look out trees!! Its warming up
Man, great day today. Early this morning stirring the pot on the tree sites, then went out a killed a doug fir and an oak. Both about 2 feet thick at the base. Only a little bit of ropeing on the oak. Chipped the brush and picked up a check (1200 bucks) and out of there and back by 11:30A. 2.5 hours of actual work. Just love those jobs AND the client is really really happy with me.
I did a couple of bids and goofed off the rest of the day. It rained last night and most of the morning here.
Well the wedding wasn't bad ,open bar too .I'm not Catholic but I like the weddings .;) Lots of people I knew attended even our friends from Ocala Fla .
Woke up to a phone call about stumps, guy was insistent they be ground today. No problem I like making big bucks on Saturday.

Turns out the guy that cut the trees cut the wrong one and the guy just had them all cut down because the tree guy cut the most beautiful tree in the yard.

3 stumps for $200 about 50 minutes of work including hauling there and back.
hmmm, small update to my day, its just gone 0850PM here, mamma fed the boy a bowl of cereal and a small jar of green beans, I made the mistake of putting boy on my shoulders as I was getting his bathtub etc ready, I got puked on, green beans etc on my noggin, right shoulder and right thigh, its all about the positioning.

At least I can laugh and admit it was likely my fault. :D the little bugger cant help hisself...

the shower becons.
Haley saved all her puking for mama. She did however poop in the tub I was sharing with her once. Being a parent is a constant joy.
My new hire (2 months ago) musta had food poisoning. He couldn't work yesterday, but stuck it out 10 hours Thurs, on our big fir skinning day...puked a couple times.....

So, we had to work on the cedar today.

Bit of a PNW blow today!

It was 90 foot codom cedar today, prepping for crane day Monday---- which includes work from Wed and Friday--6 firs already skinned and topped, and still 100-118 feet tall, a 6.5 foot at the butt cedar topped at ~92 feet, a fir, and a 115 foot dead hemlock to do, brush and all, with crane for safety....
The wind picked up, till it was gusting to ~45. The cedar had been topped at about 55 feet, and we were rigging the lead over the house off the other. The wind was in our favor, but it was just too much. The last top was 40 feet long and 9-10" around, just too big to do in that wind, and with the smallish rigging point. So, we quit, to finish it early Monday, before the crane arrives, to save crane time.

Also wasted 1-1.5 hrs when the new groundie clogged the chipper pretty badly.

Then, near my house, I spotted a small failed sumac, which hit the folks' car. Cleaned it up for a quick $160. Beautiful wood! Their friend does beautiful lathe turning, so I asked them to have him make me something.

I cain't hardly pass up $3.99 a lb wild Alaska silver salmon, even if it was previously frozen. Just finished savoring my second meal from the purty 7.5 pounder. Even went back to the store tonight, but, alas, no mo....I was ready to marinade and dehydrate it, the way I did about 4 fish last summer.
Haley saved all her puking for mama. She did however poop in the tub I was sharing with her once. Being a parent is a constant joy.

While the guys weren't lookin--unclogging the chipper, I, being an old man who can't hold it, pissed outta the tree today. The wind blew it nearly to the neighboring apartment entry......

Better pissed off than pissed on.....
Haley saved all her puking for mama. She did however poop in the tub I was sharing with her once. Being a parent is a constant joy.

so far we are clear on the tub poopin. now that I am gloating of it tho I am sure it will be imminent.

I will not post pics, seriously.
I just got in from a most excellent day... I started out by running a part back to the shop. I noticed that I was close to the Chesapeake Expressway and said, fuggit! Next thing I know, is that I'm driving down the Outer Banks, stopping in Avon for some Brew and 'Que. I finish out my drive south on Ocracoke Island. I come back up, stop at Awful Arthur's in Kill Devil Hills, grab supper, make a detour to the Brew Thru, and finally, I haul butt back to VA.

Now I'm here drinking a boiler maker of Lebatt Blue, and Canadian Mist.
Free food and drink?
Yep ,good chow ,good company and all the booze you could ever want .

We met the wedding party just a few minutes ago for breakfast at a local watering hole .A few had a case of the achy head for some reason or another .Too much fun I suppose .I had enough common sense to just partake in 3-4 beers myself ,but momma Dar drove home any way .Better safe than sorry .
Get to feeling better already Squishy!!!!!

Lots of "little joys" to come Pauly:lol:

I LOVE open bars!! Maybe too much!!!

Mama and the boy went to Tulsa Friday night to see her brother. I've had the house to myself all wekend. Kinda nice, but too quiet at the same time. It's weired!

Went down and hung out with the punks down the street last night. They played "beer pong", if you don't know, don't ask!!!
Drank to much, had fun, got to see some old friends even. Came home and went to bed.
This morning there was a beautiful woman in my bed doing all kinds of nasty things to me!! I loved it!!

Then I woke up and went to an auction with my dad:lol:
Mama and the boy are due anytime. I'm ready.:)