How'd it go today?

We recieved 3" of rain in the time it took me to go to class and back.

I have 6 calls to return, but only 2 are from this morning.
we went up in the mountains and got above the rain this am. worked above te buddhist temple today
Chilled!! Got up around 10am, felt like crap all night, stomach cramps.
Met a buddy for lunch. Got a new belt for the wifes vacuum cleaner.
Picked up a couple more 'biners and a micro pulley, I want to try out a slack tender. Looked at some poison ivy hy vis, but at $125 for a 120' hank, I passed.
Now I think I am going to tear up GT5! Three races to go and it's done!
Today was an example of why rubber-neckers on the highway should be fair game.
My job for this morning didn't happen. I got there and there was absolutely nowhere for me to set up. A tight little neighborhood street and the job was 4 houses from the main entrance, so I couldn't set up in the street and they didn't want me on the driveway.

Went and got a minor hydraulic valve problem fixed. Called on another 'emergency' job but got the guy's voicemail, he never called back. Went to the dentist at 1pm and got my new crown installed. Called the guy who owes me money from last week, no answer.

I'm hoping my topping job for Thursday goes well, first time working for some old drunk tree guy hack that doesn't know much but thinks he's an expert. I'm guessing I'll manage working for him at least twice before I tell him to go frig himself. Unfortunately he only lives 4 blocks away and he knows where I live and where I keep my equipment.
Well, it is a 28,000 lb truck and I do crack driveways on a regular basis. It was a semi-fancy driveway with a special finish on the concrete and brick expansion joints every 15'. If I had cracked it, the repair would have been almost impossible to match with the existing pattern.
I'm surprised... I've gone much heavier onto all sorts of driveways and never had one crack.

Are you running especially narrow tires or something?
Florida concrete sucks. There's not much available for aggregate so it's not as strong as concrete elsewhere. Tires are 11/22.5 radials.
Pruned 3 big Black Walnuts. All were bucket accessible but all had poor locations to set up-too close or too far and only on one side-lots of finagling to get to the work. Didn't hurt anything of the homeowners but backed up wrong with the sun in my mirror and broke a tail light on the bucket. I'm stuck waiting on chipper clutch parts for a week so I'll be hauling brush tomorrow. Blech.
Can't find reliable decent help right now. Can't really count on anything right now. Looks like I will be makeing wood runs by myself now. Not sure I like that much, but what do you do?
Those taillights are basic off-the-shelf items and available cheap at any parts store. I broke a couple myself. ;)

On several trees like that I've flown up over the tree then tied in and dropped down on rope to work the tree while tied in to the boom. Makes it easier to get around with a high tie in.
We started a fairly large job at an apartment complex and I did a couple of trees from the bucket then I went and did a couple of bids while my contract climber pruned from the bucket and my ground guy helped him. I haven't cracked a driveway yet either, but that one sounds like a pretty special driveway. My truck is 20K empty and will hold as much as 8K of chips and has 9.00X20 tires. I routinely pull up on city sidewalks but I have cracked some other sidewalks.
Brian, I've switched out of the bucket onto rope a few times. Today it was still easiest to do it from the bucket....just tight.
ive popped a few sidewalks, sickening feeling when it goes. if my tires will be near an edge i wont go on it, specially with blacktop. some people get the low bidder who shorts the concrete with more base or a bad base
spent the day in an arborist apprenticeship meeting, analyzing the occupational analysis and beginning to develope the program outline. Sigh, I hate sitting in offices all day. For free.