How'd it go today?

Bizzare story, dident hear about it till Pauls link.. It wasent my 7 yo son BTW..

We where to do some pines yesterday, we have bumped the lady 6 times (at least) and she has the shits about it, turns out the painter has bumped her 9 times (at least) we both rock up to start and "rock paper sizzors" was a win for him, we won the coin fliping but lost on the stareing/blinking compition.

Ended up doing a few small jobs we can never fit in so that made a few folks happy.
Thats funny Awesomeclimber! rock paper scissors then stare 'em down.

Went to do a little bitty job deadwooding two skinny pines and one catalpa. Back home answering Tom's emails, checking out the house, blah blah
Kind of a light rain today.
Today is friday, nothin' could bring me down!!!

Had some wind today, rolled up on a big oak that had blown into the street and was messing up traffic pretty good. The tree came from a VA hospital, when we got there there were a bunch of handyman types with dull chainsaws f-in everything up. They had a step ladder and manpower and no fear, one of 'em had chaps and a forestry helmet though:) I hopped into my little bucket and smashed it out pretty quick. Then the pissing match started. Ugly VA guy: "youre gonna get a chipper out here aren't you", me: "nope", ugly VA guy: "whadda you mean, no?" Me: "it's from private property sir, we just clear the road", ugly VA guy: "but its blocking the sidewalk", me: "I can have a log truck come out and put it back over the fence if it will make you feel better" ugly VA guy: "well we won't be able to get it 'till monday", me: "thats cool". Now he gets all pissed off "whats your name?" me: "Greg" , UVAG: "Greg What?!?" me : "Mosman" UVAG: "who's your boss?", me: "I'm the boss" He stormed off and got on his cell phone, I called my boss;) to let him know what was going on. My boss' exact words were "tell him to go frig himself" whoever the ugly va guy called must've told him the same thing because he came back and shook my hand and thanked me:) he wasn't such a bad guy after all:lol:
Hahaha Greg. Here, assuming it's an act of "God," it becomes who ever it falls on's problem to clean up.

Got the tire back together, aired it up and he drove over to the big compressor to deflate the tube and reinflate it. Came to the house to tell me it was flat again.

This time it only took 3 minutes to walk out of the house, knock the outside bead off, turn the wheel (still mounted), knock off the inside bead, take the outside bead off, and pull the tube.

He's hunting the other leak and then I'll be putting it back together.
Hahaha Greg. Here, assuming it's an act of "God," it becomes who ever it falls on's problem to clean up.


here too........;) not my first rodeo knowwahti'msayin:lol:

either way we weren't gonna pick up the stuff 'til monday, I had two other crews out doing the same thing and no one wants to work late on a friday when the Sox are in the playoffs.

After that job I went to another where a big lead off of a pear tree (yes our pear trees can get huge, and that wood is HEAVY) was on a semi cab. Streetlight pole was down too, to add to the shit the Poor driver didn't speak much english. I wasn't about to try explain 'act of god' to him. I just gave him the # of the City law department. Felt kinda bad actually, his truck was fubar.
8 minutes to get the tube back in, outside bead back on the wheel, and air it up. Almost as exciting as Greg's day. :lol:
Thats the kinda s#!t I deal with almost every day:D

The previous three guys who had my job didn't make it to the two year mark, I've been at it for six and have no desire to stop now. My arb friends think I'm nutz:|: maybe I am:D
For now I have plenty of work and I feel very tired. I have around seven bids to do tomorrow.
I don't think I have ever done seven bids in a day. I postponed today's job until tomorrow while I went to a funeral with my parents. It was a friend of theirs and I was friends with their sons and I pruned their trees about a year ago and hauled away some huge pile of brush for them also. Left at 12:00 and got back around 6:30. The widow was kind of a mess.
Had a fun day prepping the TCC. Met Jamin and also Rich Hattier and his wife Toni. Saw other nice folks I already knew like Fred Berkelhammer, Charlie Wagner, Luke Glines and many more. The phone rang off the wall, the chipper may be problematic to fix amd I have to get up at 5:00 to get to the comp tomorrow. I am tired.
We're building an art project at work.

An 80 foot spire made of 100' cypress sticks, Next two weeks.

Lot's of crane work.

The genie is for drilling, bracing and the what not. almost a 6' drill bit for the trough bolts.

Pretty rad stuff. I accidently drove the lift when I had it up about 45'. Whoops.
I did my five miles on the treadmill.
Good heavens but you went no where .Get a bike and pedal your legs off to at least give your ass a ride and see something other than the wall ahead of you .

I missed my calling ,should have been a motivational speaker instead of a barroom lawyer:)
I was busy all day and didnt take little Bub for a walk today. Gonna have to run him around tomorrow. :)
I actually spent the better part of the morning just getting the title changed and tags and insurance for the new to me Ranger pick me up truck .Then spent the rest of the day cleaning out the old one .

I hate retrucking nearly as much as re wifing .The former doesn't cost nearly as much as the later however .
I used to think of divorce as "trading it in for a newer model with less miles on it."
Woke up feeling quite ill today. Must be a flu going around, or maybe some food poisoning not sure. Also it's been raining all morning, good day to kick back around the fireplace.
Towed the old truck out by the road with a for sale sign,cheap .

Have to attend a wedding reception in about an hour . Not my favorite activity but some times you just gotta do what you gotta do .:(