How'd it go today?

Like Butch's bolt and washer deal or like you in your avatar?

The thing that I am not certain about is how big around the whole pad assembly is. With my Wescos on I will look like I have rocket boots on.
Crikey Darin, you shoulda got the Geckos. They're gonna be my next purchase, the black ones.
no duck tape......The little spot where the iron meets the cup, drill it and bolt it, a lot less play in the whole set up....much better. Till I get my carbopn fiber gecks:/:
I didn't have the cash for the geckos. I thought about it though. The wife is nervous about some of my recent purchases and I don't want to look too flash. Besides my body knows where the Buckingham spur is.
Well another good day... nuttin broke.. LOL
Took some good sized limbs off a gazebo and a garage, live oak. Taught the groundies some zip line action, some of my first few actually, and all went well... Sent the chunks right to the transport... Customer furnished the quad for the transport .. LOL
We only had 3' by 8' sidewalk to lower the tops to then zip lined the rest to the creek shore near the quad access.... Hot tub and gazebo, fence and nameless C##P in the way of the tops being lines out. Smooth as silk.. Groundies love the new rigging... LOL
Bought two more brush cutters... echo 411U and 311U.. and they kick butt... Chipper goes into Honda shop for engine next Tues. Vacation starts Sept. 1st. Boat is all tuned up and new tires on the trailer... Hummm did that reciept say equip trailer? muahahaha... shhhhhh dont tell... lol Oh... and it takes the same fuel as the saws.. LMBO...
More dead wood fallen tomarrow thanks to the power company... Thanks guys for the work... LOL
Fire clean ups keep calling and I will be busy alllllll winter....
And today ... Nuttin broke! Whooooo Hooooooo
Just fixing up to heading out on a mini-skid job. Interesting little story. A dude goes into one of the local rental shops to rent a mini-skid, my buddy tellls them 'nope we don't rent 'em but I know a guy who'll do the job'. So I get the call, not overly excited about moving some rocks around but when we go to look at the work, I get a additional five spruce removals with clean-up and stumpgrinding. All straight full rate hourly, Damn! It also turns out to be the owners of our two local ski hills, double damn! A good connection I just made methinks.
Started school today. Some dumb desk guy came up with starting school on Wensday, instead of going another 3 days and starting next monday.

Yesterday though, was a happy sad thing. Spent the day bucking logs and stacking them, and pruning some trees. After we arrived home from dinner at Cheddar's though, we found 3 police cars and an animal control in front of our neighbors house, who owns 4 dogs. Turns out, he had to shoot two, his giant pit bull and a lab mix I think, because they just kept fighting and fighting. Now, this guy has trained these dogs since they were a puppy, and he's a security guard at the prision, so he knew how to break them up. But he says no matter what he did, they just wouldn't stop. So he just had to shoot them. The pit bull took 7 shots to put down he said. A Very sad day yesterday.
Yeah, school isn't really my favorite thing. I'm in most all advanced classes, so there's always alot of homework and some big assignments.

Really though, if they would have started this coming Monday, summer would have been just about perfect. I could have payed off the rest of the money I owe my parents for helping buy my Mac, and had a little extra side money for other things.
I took down the rest of the pine, trimmed another pine and took down the trunk of a raywood ash that we removed the top from last week. My cousin wanted the ash wood to make blocks with as it is about 30" dia. 103 here today.
My Austrian buddy left today.
I left and had 40.5 hours on the clock. Yes, I know it's only Wensday.
Had FOUR saws go down at once today, on top of the one the retarded redneck can't fix. The powers that bewere not very happy. I ran around a lot.
They were not very happy with me wanting to take time off to go to the funeral tomorow. I made it easy for them. "I can be gone a few hours, or I can be gone all day." They didn't like either option, but chose wisely.

The dude with the Bobcat. WOW!!! "Don't get in a hurry Andy, I konw you are busy, just get it when you have time,"
Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He called today, complaining about how long it was taking me and how he could put it together himself and be done. Then I told him what I was thinking for money.He whined and cried and bitced and moaned and told me he was going tohave another heart attack etc.....
I put the motor back together tonight and dropped it off next to the machine. Maybe it's clocked right, maybe it's not. He's getting what he paid for now, and better not have the balls to EVER CALL ME AGAIN!

I've had a good day.
If I have a job at the end of the week, I will be suprised.

I am not a happy employee right now. (been a bad day if you can't tell)

After I made my post last night... my day went south! Nothing says hola like your truck being broken into. :pissed: All they got was a $6.00 pack of Marlboro's, a dead digital camera, and a dollar bill. They left my gps, power inverter, and a camera lens.

Today I drove to New Hampshire, started my install, left at mid-day and drove to Billerica and got my driver's side window replaced. Afterwards, I went back, finished the job and left by 6:30.
Day went well ... Asplundh (working for PGE) made lots of work for us droppin trees. Clean up time.. What a friggen mess. Got er done though. Had to take down some snags (all dead and hard as steel live oaks) for home owner and horses safety. Every tree hung up in another as such. Saws and come alongs works well and got them all down .... walk em down and get er done ... Home owner also payed for splitting and stacking the wood. Was good in that the trees were dangerous and the ground crew got good breaks in the shade on a hot day while Rob and I did the dangerous part of the work. Less bodies to look out for... :)
All together a great day and nuttin broke.... LOL
so far so good. Started the day by taking the wife and Bub to a place called Bon's off Broadway, met my helper that is leaving town and his girlfriend for breakfast. bacon, eggs, toast and a pile o hashbrowns, $2.95 all day special.
apparently is very highly rated in town for the price range, I thought they did a good job, good eats and lots of it on the plate. The bill came to $20, I gave the waiter $30 and we came home.
Did some organizing of a closet, put the higchair for Bub together and I am considering the rest of my options for the day.
Is he Bub now? I thought he was Sir Criesalot. :P

My day turned to crap this afternoon. A few personal items have raised my stress level this week, and today's third job topped it off. I was working with Dave, the man who provides me with about half of my total annual income. He was edgy as well for unknown reasons. The customer was in the front yard and kept directing me to take additional limbs off the tree. There was no rhyme nor reason, just limbs that he didn't like. I was having difficulty trying to figure out which limbs to cut and my sarcastic nature started slipping out. Dave went ballistic on me, cussing me out and telling me to get the frig off his job if I couldn't take direction from the homeowner. So everybody left unhappy and my income just got cut in half. :(