How'd it go today?


...sorry Andy! :P

I'm on hour 14 here on site, and 5 hours in to loading software... for the 3rd time. I'm tired after a cr@ppy night's sleep, and I could truly use a Marlboro Light. :pissed:

It's all good Jay!

A couple of Lortabs and a few shots of whiskey, it's all good:P
so far so good, woke up and realized the meeting I thought was today is actually NEXT Tuesday... lazy morning, organized a closet (we got some more tupperware and didnt have room for it), ran to the store for supplies had a bite of lunch and now I think I will go down to the parkade and give my truck a bath. Y'all dont run with scissors while I am gone!
We took down a realy nasty pine today and trimmed 4 pistachio trees and took down a couple of small white birch trees. 2 loads of chips in the forestry truck and a short load of wood in the dump trailer.
I worked on my own firewood ,Winter is coming fast in the Greens.I would like to be ready,not behind! At the saw shop last week the guy next to me bought 8 casae of winter weight bar oil!
If I have a job at the end of the week, I will be suprised.

I am not a happy employee right now. (been a bad day if you can't tell)
I found out my "new boss" wont be my boss any more. I was told to watch my overtime. My work cell phone died, and they don't seem to care.
BUT, I have to go in inthe middle of the night to ulock the buildings with an hours notice, even though I am too drunk to clock in.
I have to show up at odd hours and rebuild a chip collector.
I am expected to drop everything and run in and make a saw run, no matter what I have going on, or what arraingments I need to make.
If something isn't fixed, I am told I will be fired if it's my fault.
And my help is a couple of F'tards!!!

But I'm not bitter or upset.
Oh yeah, I forgot to add my Austrian buddy (by total accident) stepped on my REALLY ugly and sore finger today. That was right before my boss played "kick the dog", right after he got kicked. It was bad timming on his part.
I enjoyed that greatly.
I worked on my own firewood ,Winter is coming fast in the Greens.I would like to be ready,not behind! At the saw shop last week the guy next to me bought 8 casae of winter weight bar oil!

With oil prices in steep decline right now, I'd be holding off on any big oil purchases. I postponed my regular weekend refueling on the bucket truck this week and diesel has dropped 15 cents per gallon since Saturday. I hold 100 gallons and usually burn 40-50 gallons per week, so just waiting a few days saved me $7 on one fill-up.

Regardless, bar oil prices are sure to drop as well in the next couple months.
Last week my well of work ran dry just as one of my long term employees had his last day. We have been scrapping along and doing projects at my house last night and today the well began to flow again and no I have a weeks worth of work again. I bid them to get them so I won't be rolling in the chips but I think that working gets you work, so it is better to be doing something.

My new spurs arrived today. I thought I'd try something different so I got Buckingham Steel Spurs with Steel Cushion Wraps with the velcro strap. I am not certain what I think of them. I'll hang them on the wall next to my new Petzl Sequoia saddle to look at and think about for a while. I need to look at new gear and think about it for a while before I use it. I'm weird that way.