How'd it go today?

Three consults today and landed all three. Start each one brushing and then future tree work. Chipper went down the other day on a job taking out two grey pines (bull pines) next to a house and a garage. Everything went great till the chipper lost a cylinder. Took it to our local shop and now it has to go to Honda in the valley (Merced) to get what needs done (hopefully under warranty). Supposed to have a two year warranty and we just got this engine almost a year ago. V twin 24 horse honda. Chipping jobs are rolling in and we can't schedule. Talk about frustrating. Had to schedule the Honda dealer over two weeks out (their schedule, not mine). Anyway, the work keeps rolling in, this is good. we usually slow down about this time of year till November. We are now booked into October!. All I want to do now is go on vacation! We leave first week of Sept. to the lake and are there for a week. Take the boat yada yada and the kids get to swim and such. Hope to catch some good fish this year.
Fire mostly done here. They are still hitting hot spots with water and still have a lot of clean up to do. Still have to up load some pics for ya'll, think I got some good ones of the heavy lift helo and such. Maybe even the DC-10. 30 homes lost. 100 out buildings thinkin. Clients are calling us and thanking us for the brushing on their property. No homes lost by our clients or buildings we brushed out around. Whew! One building did go on a clients property, but she did not have us brush it, wanted to do it his and herself.... But .... Thanked us for keeping home and other structures safe. :) Baby is a girl. We got the ultra sound done on Mon this last week :) Her momma already named her and all is good. :) Have a list a mile long of things to do so I gotta get started and such.

Stephen, Katy, Rob and kids.....
Sure! Speargun. I drug him around The Gulf of Mexico for a couple of hours, we were looking for lobster and found the grouper and hog fish. No lobster today. :(
Three cousins came to town today, fixing to go clean up a tree that fell in a storm, then I'll be back to hang with them.
Had a great day today. Spent most of the day doing ground work power/phone/cable line clearing. Had to wade through a bunch of vines and $hit!!

Climbed three trees doing the same line clearing, and finally, the best part of the day, got to run an 660 with a 32" bar for the first time cutting up a downed pine. Man, that things got some power!!:D:D
Did a splicing course today- my hands are trashed. Nick you have my utmost respect- only did a couple of 16 strand splices and a botched double braid and my head hurts aswel!
I gotta call back today on a 5g bid, gonna go mid september.8)

I know not huge but that's a good sized job for my little set-up.
I got the downed ash cleaned up. Would of had it done 15 minutes after rolling up but the idoit of a homeowner came outside to hassle me.
That's called customer relations Carl. This morning the homeowner went and brought Timmy's back to the job for us. Bonus! I don't normally take a coffee break but WTH!
I think I broke my foot yesterday.
I had to shut a saw down Friday before it blew up and hurt someone, spindle bearings went out.
Another saw went down Friday night, I spent 3ish hours on the phone with the morons trying to get it running.
Not sure how many hours I spent working the phone Saturday trying to get contractors and people lined up for today, because we moved another saw in to try and keep up with production.
Spent ten hours yesterday moving in and setting up the other saw. My help pised me of rather badly. They decided it was more important to work on the same saw they had been unable to fix in two days. Rather than help set up the moved saw and go home. DO NOT kick a 30,000# machine, even with steel toed boots it tears things up.
My Austrian buddy is back to help straighten out two saws. We trashed a $200 bearing trying to press it into the housing? It was a nice wonderful 12hr day.
Oh yeah, I got lectured about how I need to watch overtime, I just laughed at them.
The saw that went down Fri. night is still down, they have changed out every component in the cabinet, including the monitor:? Including blowing up TWO $8200 PLC units.
I guess Metlsaw is flying in a tech.
I'm tired.
I did finally get the wife talked into a new TV, new TV, entertainment center and surround system came home with us Friday night.
Just wish I could sit and watch it sometime!
5K is a good size job. I'm working on one right now that is just a little bigger than that and I love it. I started fixing a hose in the boom this morning and then I lowered the pressure a little hoping that my bucket won't have so much trouble. By then it's 11:00 so I thought let's make this a repair day. Then the throttle cable broke on the motor and I am going to put that on when it cools down a little. I collected a nice big check for the last job today and I shot the bull with the guy that brought it over so long that now the bank is closed. Doh!

...sorry Andy! :P

I'm on hour 14 here on site, and 5 hours in to loading software... for the 3rd time. I'm tired after a cr@ppy night's sleep, and I could truly use a Marlboro Light. :pissed: