How'd it go today?

Must be some bad gear vibes around here OM. I got the chipper fixed this morning. I had to take the bearing off and the support for it. Clean everything out and my cousin fabed me up another washer as I didn't have any metal thick enough and we had it fixed by noon. It added a couple of hours to the job yesterday and about 5 hours to fix it today. And my new rope. Wore me out, got in at 11:00 last night from the job and started working on the chipper at 7:00 this morning. I had a job that I had to start today and I fulfilled my obligation there, so all is good.
I'm going camping either tonight or in the morning until Sunday PM.
hm, dang OM, I have a set of once used buckinghams with velcro pads, dont figger I am going to use them any time soon... lemme know next tie it happens, maybe we can work something out.
Yesterday I had a killer day, stretched the manly lifter way out over the edge of a driveway to drop the top out of a pine that died sometime back in 05 or late 04.

After that 30 minutes of gut busting, button pushing action I was backing out of the driveway to get some lunch. After lunch I gave a bid and did a small Paulish kinda of job that took an entire 30 minutes.

I just got back from getting a valve stem for the mini, fixing to put it in and go clean up the pine from yesterday, should be able to be back home by 4, if not sooner :)
Just got back from camping. Man 3 days over 1,000 posts to read. Damn! Had a great time, swimming, boating, drinking. Now back to reality again :(. Jk'ing phone was loaded with messages just the way I like it!8)
So far I've cleaned up the truck, got an oil change, and now I'm fixing to take care of some parts. Otherwise... a nice slow day, and to wait for it to get late enough to stfo...sneak the f out! :D
Nothing special here. Cleaned out another nasty Pin Oak today. Not as dense, just a ton of suckers and dead. Spent the rest of the day weeding, digging holes, etc.
I know it doesn't look all that impressive, but I'm happy with it. These are some shots from today. First two were first thing this morning while I was still drinking coffee, third was about lunchtime and the last was taken about 30 minutes ago. Not bad on that corner considering I was cutting freehand with a circular saw. A miter saw would have been nice. I'm still lacking about 5' to the gate, but I ran out of material and had to go buy 3 more boards (at $30 each). I've got $1200 in this friggin walkway. :O
I had figured about $600-$700 but it kept going up after I started. I needed twice as much framework as I figured, they need support every 18". Concrete would have been better but I would have needed a permit and then hire somebody to finish it. I would have had to plan it a week in advance in order to schedule the concrete delivery and coordinate with the finisher (and hope I didn't get rained out).

I prefer doing, not scheduling and hiring out. And I will like it better since I built it myself. ;)

(Here's what it looked like earlier this week.)
Hey nice work Brian! Now you wont have to slog through the mud to get to that shed
over slept this am so i went hunting alone, got up in the woods and went to steer around some pot holes and started to head over the bank:O got stopped and get out to look and see my tie rod sticking out behind the tire. i just spent nearly 600 bucks to have the steering done and here i sit out of service. walked down the road a bit and found the castle nut, got it back together and home. the mechanic forgot to put the cotter pins in, i was perturbed and kept thinking how many times ive been down the interstate latley, if that would have happened at 70 mph as opposed to 15?! got it safe for a few days till i can get in for warrenty repair
Yup, sand and mole tunnels. :X

If I had legal access to dynamite, there probably wouldn't be much left of my yard by this point. :/:

Got it all finished up today, the last 5' by the gate and a couple loose ends. Next project will be to rebuild the double gates. I about got that figured out as well, just need to write down my materials list.
over slept this am so i went hunting alone, got up in the woods and went to steer around some pot holes and started to head over the bank:O got stopped and get out to look and see my tie rod sticking out behind the tire. i just spent nearly 600 bucks to have the steering done and here i sit out of service. walked down the road a bit and found the castle nut, got it back together and home. the mechanic forgot to put the cotter pins in, i was perturbed and kept thinking how many times ive been down the interstate latley, if that would have happened at 70 mph as opposed to 15?! got it safe for a few days till i can get in for warrenty repair

You sound more controlled than I would be.
I ground a stump this morning that I didn't finish on Friday. We hung out at home for a piece and then we took the kid to see Momma Mia! A good time was had by all. Haley was falling asleep towards the end as it was longish but she really enjoyed herself.