How'd it go today?

good day, guys finished up early on a big job, new guy is a good climber, customer will pay in cash, bought the crew lunch, and the phone rang all day
Crane broke belt coming to job today, delayed till tomorrow. Finished trimming broken pine limbs and devined a pine and slayed a dead pine in the back yard, had to pad the truck in and out.

Got an extra job tomorrow that will pay the crane fees for tomorrow all day, sweet!
Damn. I did the same thing once about 5 years ago - $250.

My guy broke a bedroom window back in Jan when I was sick and glass went all over the guy's bed. He is a neighbor and my stepdaughter was helping and she removed the window and took it down to the glass place and had new glass put in. She then went in and took all of the bedding down to my house and washed it and then made the guy's bed, and vacuumed the floor. $35 at the glass place and her time and running around.
We got our tree down before the wind hit 56klms per hour, the afternoon off:D
I guess it was our day Brian-I Took the top out of a very dead Cottonwood and it did a teeny little barber chair, loosened the girthed sling as it went over and squirted right out and went point first into the roof. It wasn't big or heavy and the tips shattered into a gazillion pieces but it did perforate the shingles in one spot....So I get to play roofer tomorrow.
Wow, that sucks, Justin. :( I've lost two pieces so far using that method, both times the sling broke. Now if I'm taking an extra heavy piece I'll use two slings, one over top of the other. Both of the ones that broke were 5/8" nylon/ poly blend double braid that I made up 3 years ago. My new ones are all 5/8" double braid poly.
Had a great day, I needed it.

Went to the ladies this morning for breakfast, eggs, bacon, toast, potatoes, yum. Followed that with some sun bathing by the pool, then a dip in the pool. Rode mx bike from 1-5, did some serious moto's. Came home took rims off 1 ton, dropping them off tomorrow for some new meats. My old boss called today too, wanting to know if I want a job at a nursery he is working at, 3 days a week.

Who knows!
And here we go again!!
The third shifter, now on first, well, he ain't making it. HE SUCKS!!! No idea how to prioritize, no idea how to plan ahead, or plan at all!!
His feminine parts hurt a LOT now! He boned everything he touched yesterday, boss even caught him lying down resting because he was so tired. He told the boss he was a "slave driver" when told to do some more work.
The boss told him he might want to see a doctor because he has been so sick lately. He called in sick today so he could see a doctor.
He was adamant he needed to be on a shift where he could be "recognized for the work he's doing". He is making quite the impression.
Boss told me this morning "We need to have a talk!" Joy ran through my mind!
I have to respect the man. He addmited he i overwhelmed and wants to hand more off to me. "Not much." was the answer when I inquired as to what I would get. BUT.............
Servicing the tractor took about 3.5 hours, welding up the plate took about half an hour. I welded up the tractor's bucket then took a nap in the office.

At 2:20 I was down in the lake grinding stumps for 2 hours and 40 minutes, a market value of $535. Burned about 8 gallons of diesel.

Was back in the house at 5 where I sucked down a quart of water chased by two quarts of lemonade and a quart of milk. Pizza for dinner now (24oz of Coke) I'm off to see Hancock.

4 quarts then coke? is that a drinking problem? :D

lemme know how hancock is, it looks interesting and stupid at the same time from the trailers. :)
While I was shaving I drank another 16 oz, fixing to take another two bottles with me for the drive.

In that 2.66 hours of grinding I ground 27-32 stumps, average diameter around " and all but 4were ground 20-24" deep.
Too bad Justin and Brian. I had a good wake up call the other day when I took the top out of a palm tree. I was in the bucket and I took it sideways to me the trunk bent over about 6 feet as my groundie stopped it when the trunk was already bent out. I was standing in the bucket thinking how glad I was to have a bucket when the trunk snapped back and when whizzing by the front of the bucket missing the cover that goes over the hydraulic valves by inches. Me yelling "Oh Shit!" and there is a bunch of old people laughing at me or at what I said.
Yup, I make it a habit to 'read' which direction the rigged piece is going to swing- and ricochet. Just like felling on the ground, I make sure I have my escape path before making the cut. Once the piece is committed, I grab the bucket control and head up and away. It can't hit me as easily if I'm over it.

Glad it didn't smack ya, Steve.
I felt really stupid because I should have known what was going to happen and had my hand on the handle of the hydraulic valve lever putting some distance between the tree and me.
Oh my favorite thing today,working on my aerobic sewage system .

The damned thing goes through about a sump pump a year .This time I stuck one in that will move 2 inch solids.The damned thing cost me three hundred bucks but well worth it if it keeps me out of that mess,yuck .:(