How'd it go today?

It's starting to dry out around here. We only had four inches last night:P

Got called in at 7:45am, ten min. fix thankfully!

Bought a new pair of "stupid boots" for work so hopefully my feet wont feel like they are broken.

I can't believe how out of shape I am!! Rode twelve miles tonight, it liked to have killed me! Hit 26mph on a sprint, not bad for the third time out this summer.

Rained 6 inch's Thursday night, rained most of the day Saturday. A cottonwood we took out Thursday, the stump is now 15 feet out in the water. I hope that it will dry out enough Sunday and Monday morning so I can finish that job and get the trucks back on the pavement.
Well so much for taking tomorrow off. :roll:
Another call, another job for tomorrow. I'm digging the money but damn...

Hey Paul, didja get the truck buffed today? How well does that little gizmo work?
Well I was supposed to go riding today but it ended up being crazy muggy out, so scrapped that idea. Took a nap and woke up with ambition. Went to the auto parts store, picked up some things. Came home and clay bar'd and wax'd the Ford. The roof felt like sandpaper from when I chipped White Pine with the top off once. The shit actually stained the clear coat. So after about and hour with the clay bar, it felt like a smoothe peice of glass. I then put a coat of wax on and now it looks like a showpiece. :D

Hey Paul, didja get the truck buffed today? How well does that little gizmo work?

ended up doing it last night. works ok, not great but ok. one battery lasts about enough to remove wax and/or buff one vehicle. I waxed on by hand with a small sponge, waxed off and buffed with the machine. the truck and the car are looking spiffy.

walked jr in his stroller around the barn today while wifey gave a kid a horse riding lesson then visited my parents for a couple hours over lunch. Now waiting on supper and my inlaws to come in from the flight from Vegas. Tomorrow and tuesday are still booked off. some chores around the house to get done.
Brendon, as long as you've got the wax and clay bar out, you might as well hit the scooter. Wouldn't want the babes getting dirty when they are pawing all over it. 8)
went camping at the dunes this weekend, first time i rode quads at the dunes, its alot like snowmobiling but warmer:) broke my new filling this am:(
I am working with a brand new Dell Optiplex 755 this morning, loaded with all the goodies. After the virus last week, I decided it was time to upgrade, and man is this sucker fast! I am still running XP, thank goodness.
3 hr's later and I'm home already. Good equipment makes quick work I tell ya.

Had to remove some good sized maples along a hillside. Dumped all 4 of them. Hooked up a pulley 10' or so high in a maple on top of the hill to the right of the chipper. Had Greg pull the rope down the hill and attach it to the branches. Hooked the rope through the pulley to the mini, I felt like I was on Axemen. Wood stayed were is was, and chips went in the woods.

Easy peasy.
took some household stuff to storage locker, just had some lunch. think I might crack a beer and wait for Bucket List to finish downloading, we are going to watch that tonight. Watched Fools Gold the other night, was ok, kind of like Sahara but with a different backdrop.
We are heading to Key West this evening to replace the car that Hillary totaled last week. GMC has 0% percent financing the she has qualified for, so she is going to test drive an HHR. Then she wants to look at a Nissan.
I am going to look at a Solstice that also has 0% percent financing. It will be hard to turn down free money.
Car dealers don't give nuthin' away for free. It's like squeezing one of those balloon dolls. What you squeeze on one end just inflates the other end.

I barely broke a window today. Trimming over a two story house, I was throwing down small brush in between the house and the separate garage. One small limb (about 1"-1.25" diameter) caught the edge of the roof and flipped in the opposite direction. It landed on the brushy part and the butt bounced right into the edge of the window, breaking out a 3" piece along the edge. :( And it's a double pane window, it will cost me more to replace the glass than buying a whole new window with frame and everything. The glass shop gave me an estimated price of about $300 and about a 4-5 day wait because they have to special order it. :cry:
Luckily only the outer pane is broken so the nice people won't have their house open for a week.

My second job went better, so I still made some money today.