How'd it go today?

Whatever it is, its required the marlin spike twice. I keep trying to teach him the boline, and variations thereof, but he's either stubborn or stupid.

I swear to my ancient Gods, I'm at my wits end with the boy. He owes me a nearly obscene amount of money, but I keep working like a hillbilly trying to read. If he evened up with me I could afford the drive to come work for one of you. I'd really like to put in solid work for solid pay.

I hate the fact that the young buck is my best shot on the mountain right now. So I'm working to establish a reputation with the names in the business locally. At this point, I'm pretty sure at least one other company would be happy to have me. But the thing is, the real crux of the issue, is that I'm still living in my truck after four months. I can't imagine that being an issue working for any of the companies represented on this forum. I'd have MAYBE spent a month in my truck.

Don't get me wrong, I make some bad choices. Mainly, I tend to spend(blow) way too much money on my girls when I have them. But I'm also not getting full pay checks.

I really like the boss as a person, and i think he has a lot of potential, I also like working for him. That's all important to me, but it's also made it easier to stomach the mistreatment. While I'm trying to help him through a tough time, I'm not doing great myself. The Young Buck is part of the FBI (Friends, Brothers, and Inlaws), among other factors. If I ride the hard times out, I'll be in an excellent position to step into the network the boss is part of. Doing so will allow me to work locally and not just survive, but thrive. I've just got to make it long enough to integrate.

@Mick! You're not shy of being critical. What's your advise here? I know I'm not giving all of the information, but based on what you know, do I stick it out, and hope he evens up, gets better, or do I cut my losses and run at the first opportunity?

His mother begged me to stick it out, promised it would get better. Apparently I'm the best worker he's ever had, and he really likes me, and blah blah blah. And I quote "Please don't leave him, you're all he has and he really needs you!"

Sorry that devolved into an unhinged rant fairly quickly but I'm near the end of my rope. I've also come to the conclusion that doing what's best for me might actually be more important than I think, so I'm trying to work on that. If relocating away from my babies puts me in a better position to provide for them, then that's what i need to do.
You see, now you’ve got me all fired up first thing in the morning!

If he’s been paid you should be paid.
If he hasn’t been paid you should still have been paid.
They are stringing you along. Unlike you I don’t have resources in my fists, but it’d be tempting.

All I can say is ask him who hasn’t paid you, if he gives you names suggest you both go round and chase the money or even volunteer to go round on your own (Don’t go round btw, just threaten it)
This will make him think that
A. His customers will be pissed off with him for having debt collectors on the doorstep.
B. You’ll find out they have paid and he’s just holding out on you.

You HAVE to resolve this, and fast.
There's no excuse or reason under the sun for you not to be paid in full every friday. No matter what. Pure BS otherwise.

What would "Dave" (of incarceration fame) do.