How'd it go today?

When I was about 23 years or so I went to the farm show in Tulare and we started drinking at about noon. I must have had at least 2 six packs and at about 2am we were headed home after going out to dinner in Fresno and I blew a stop sign on Blackstone Ave. I got pulled over and I thought "here it is, I'm going to jail" but the cop just wrote me up for the stop sign and sent me on my way. Sign of the times, the ticket was $15.
Willie, On the bidding wars/lowballing scalper-----I have a very good customer who didn't want to play. He told the lowballer that he wanted his price up front. Since that I've done several $k for the man-We understand one another-I quote a fair price, do what I promise and don't play games.

I crown reduced 1 big elm and deadwooded and thinned epicormics on 3 more 80 footers. I have to go back for clean-up tomorrow. I spent all day in the bucket today.
Willie...that saw ain't hot is it?:/:

dont beleive so, met the guy at his house, he said he broke his back in january and cant even start it now. said he only cut 2 trees with it. anyway ive got a bill of sale with his name and address on it. dont think a crook would do that
Willie, On the bidding wars/lowballing scalper-----I have a very good customer who didn't want to play. He told the lowballer that he wanted his price up front. Since that I've done several $k for the man-We understand one another-I quote a fair price, do what I promise and don't play games.

ive got clients like that to. thought these folks were like that but i guess not
When you cut on something that is on fire the saw exhaust feeds the fire and stokes it. That shield would keep that from happening. Interesting modification. Why would that guy have a saw from a fire department? Not wanting to rain on your parade but it does seem fishy.

My day started mellow, going to the dump, doing bids and picking up some bar oil. Then I got called in to get a tree of a roof. The GRCS made the job go easy. Tomorrow we take down the remainder of the tree. The wood stays. Hooray! I finished the job just as Leon/Rumination got into town. I met him and his friends for dinner and then he, his friend's daughter, Haley and my wife Kathleen all went for a walk down by the river. The kids collected Kentucky Coffee tree seeds. We all played red light green light and hide and go seek in the grove of trees that are going to be the location for the PNW ISA Competition. Leon was just as nice a fellow as I imagined he would be. I have been very lucky with the tree housers I have met. They have all been great.
i never got a bad vibe off the guy. it didnt have the bar attachment for depth penetration that most fire depts run. anywho i think the guys just on hard times
When you cut on something that is on fire the saw exhaust feeds the fire and stokes it. That shield would keep that from happening. Interesting modification. Why would that guy have a saw from a fire department? Not wanting to rain on your parade but it does seem fishy.QUOTE]

The fire dept I was once in would replace a piece of equipment like that when it was determined that a newer saw would serve them better. Lighter or emissions was usually the case. The saws that they sold quite possibly had been used only once or twice on a real fire and maybe a hundred times in practice.
I cut for an hour in the big oak with the 44. Got about 1/5 of the canopy down.

Sadly what I first cut was the open side were I could drop big nuggets into the yard.

Pics to come, heading back out with the dump trailer, chipper/chip truck. Got the lift and mini already there.
Got 5 limbs down today, should have the other 8 done tomorrow leaving the trunk and stump for Saturday.

Found out that I can get a 40 yard roll off for $165 per haul, no dumping fee, no delivery fee, no rent. I'll have one delievered tomorrow afternoon for the trunk and whatever else we come up with Saturday afternoon (dump closes at 12).

Man oh man will this crap ever end?

I went and looked at a job today, a White Pine tipped over into a body of water. Half is in the water, half on land. Gotta climb out to tips, and work from water in. One guy in the water, one guy on land running chipper. I bid $1550, figure 3 guys 8 hrs. I just got a call from a friend of mine who knows what someone else bid, $600! I figure it will cost me almost $400 to do it!

How do these guys do it?

He's got a shinny nice new Chevy, Pretty bucket, but no brains I guess.
Go watch how he does it for $600 and see if you learn a trick or two. Sometimes the slow, fat old geezers can lick a big job in 3 hours that will take the young, strong go-getter all day. We didn't get old, fat and successful by working ourselves to death.
Go watch how he does it for $600 and see if you learn a trick or two. Sometimes the slow, fat old geezers can lick a big job in 3 hours that will take the young, strong go-getter all day. We didn't get old, fat and successful by working ourselves to death.

Har har :evil:.

I am serious, this business sucks big balls. I'm running out of fingers counting how many times the fly byer's are bidding 1/3 -1/4 of other bids. I think I am going to call him and ask if he'll do all my jobs for me.
You win some you lose some. There are some low ballers here and that's OK. They are not MY competition. I don't want all the jobs I bid, just the ones that are best suited to our skill set and standards. Of the people who do high quality work here, I am very fairly priced.
As of late, I've been suprised to the callers who say they're calling around getting prices. When I get out there I'm typically the first one out and thus far I've won the last 4 jobs on the spot that were like that. One was that large oak, I really didn't think I was getting that job period.
I too think I am fairly priced. But I have noticed, the only work I get is referrals. Probably get less than 25% of the random calls. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? My work speaks for itself so thats why I think I bag all the referral work, as far as the other work, I get nada.

I call back within a day, show up early to bids, clean clothed, clean rig, honest, friendly...I think it's the age.
Think greasy fast food meets IBS who is dating Montezuma's ghost who is large interest in the Novartis coperation and is presently engaged in a blood fued with Charmin.

I nearly had two today.

No, I don't have IBS. Yes, I'll try to use better punctuation next time.
