Thanks.Looks like a great setup
Thanks.Looks like a great setup
I have that signed poster custom framed and hanging on the wall above my desk. I look at it every single day to remind me that the most badass men on this planet are tree men.View attachment 127954
Ha! We both got our posters signed on the same day!
Spring comes earlier every year.
I've heard it said to be related to a roughly 6000 or 12,000 year cycle, and that we're less than 200, maybe less than 50 years from it. Worst case according to some theories is that the whole surface (crust) of the earth could shift off axis too due to the polar flip and events that cause a decreased friction below the crust allowing it to break loose. Supposedly the polar flip is caused by external forces from the galaxy, and could be linked to the cycles of the sun including periodic novas (not super novas, which aren't multiple, but once per star, hence the "super").This has a lot to do with climate change and differences in rainfall in the northern hemisphere from my understanding. Many legitimate scientists also believe we are in the beginning stages of a "polar shift," where the north and south poles would flip, causing a disruption to our magnetosphere during the interim, where we could see coronal mass ejections from the Sun wipe out our satellite arrays and send dangerous radioactivity onto the Earth. Some say this is pseudoscience, but I've heard numerous reputable sources reporting it as something that will definitively happen eventually. We know this because of, in part, the "Zebra stripes" at the bottom of our oceans where molten sea bed, and the cooled magnetic sediment within them, can be see shifting pole direction every so often over hundreds of thousands of years (not sure on this exact value). For this reason, we know that our planet has experienced several polar shifts in the past. This is due to affect us as soon as hundreds of years from now and it may have already begun. I'm just reporting what I've read. Don't hate the reader, hate the game.
Used my first manufactured one in 1983. Tail of the climbing rope before that; Climbing was safer then, no hard dirt to land on!!!I climbed a whole lot of vertical feet on lanyards just like that, back in the days before dirt was invented.