California Hillbilly
And just like that, the few month old idler spring on the Dingo hydraulics breaks. Never got it off the trailer. 45 min drive and cant manage the tree on the garage. Just ordered two more. Pisser.
I've never gotten jack from trying to hatch bird seed!Just bought 50# of 60d nails; $115. I think they were about $70 last time I bought them.
I wanted clover, but homedepot only has it online. I'll try the local farm store and tractorsupply before I order any. Against my better judgment, I got wildflower seed and just spread it. I'm not convinced they aren't all pouches of sawdust. I've never gotten a wildflower from the "wildflower seeds" I've spread. Hope springs eternal...
They're for work. We use them for semi permanent control points, and for doing stakeout. They really shine for doing stuff like piles where you're setting a ton of points in a confined area. Makes it go much quicker. We'll either tie flagging around them, or more typically, use a chaser. I also have a handful of hardened 40d nails from the Amish hardware store. I don't use many of those, but when you need something with a little more rigidity, they can help. Not as hard as a masonry nail, but much better than the typical common nail. Chaser...What are you doing with the 60d nails?
all within almost a monthDude, you been hanging too close to me too longand yah just got here.
It's a harborfreight lithium jumpstarter with an adapter made from a snus can and old electronic parts. Another snus can with connectors to fit the gun, and speaker wire with alligator clips connects to that. Saved me from dragging the lead acid jumpstarter back to the middle of nowhere. I used to carry that stupid thing everywhere. I'm over carrying lead batteries. If I never did it again, that would be just fine.