How'd it go today?

I did a couple of emergency jobs today, wind about 40 mph. Drove about 30 miles against the wind to one of them pulling my dump trailer. Used a quarter tank of gas to go the 30 miles empty.
hit 4.79 today.
i dont mess with gears, to much fiddling to get the set right

You need to know what you're doing on those. Or have unlimited time to research it and do it right. Also some rear-ends need to be tipped to one side and then the other to make sure oil gets out to the outside bearings.
Killed a pine-complete with inhabited Magpie nest ( didn't killed the fledglings). Pruned 1 small elm and 2 big uns. Incredibly nasty trees- the 2 yielded over half a cord of firewood and 3/4 of a load of chips. Windy, cool, got hailed on. Ground 2 stumps plus some roots for the neighbor and then bought an old motorhome. I B tired.
diesel here was $1.44 a liter. CDN (in case branch doc asks)

my pickup is still doing well (relatively) compared to my old truck. havent modded the suspension or anything yet, still waiting on that stuff..
You need to know what you're doing on those. Or have unlimited time to research it and do it right. Also some rear-ends need to be tipped to one side and then the other to make sure oil gets out to the outside bearings.
Not to argue but generally speaking the oil migrates down the axle shaft to lubricate the outboard bearings . I've seen people use a rear end from a 3/4 ton truck for an axle for a trailer .They gut the differential but fail to realize how the bearing are lubricated and burn them up in about 3 months .

In some instances however depending on the spring set up you may have to shim the rear axle assembley for proper alignment of the universal joints .

Setting up a ring and pinion gear assembley is not childs play .Proper assembley produces a gear train that in theory will last almost indefinately with proper lubrication ,unless overloaded .However one that is not set up properly will not last very long at all .
3 small jobs this morning that took until noon. We would have done one more but the stupid 'deadman lever' cable on my bucket control broke. I had problems with the one on the old truck, it broke about once every 6 months or so until I took out the valve body and had it rebuilt. This one was quite a bit easier, they redesigned it so it is very accessable and it only took about 15 minutes to replace the broken cable. Next week I'll stock up on supplies to make up several extra cables along with the few tools needed to change it. This is the type of thing that can cost you several days work if you're not prepared to fix it yourself, or about 10 minutes if you're prepared.
Killed a bunch (zillions) of thistles today. Remembered the sunscreen....didn't remember the water. 9AM til 1PM out in the I'll remember next time!
got r done, on my failed demo attempt. dump run...........few estimates. then beer:30:D
Talked to a broker for Northwestern Mutual about retirement and life insurance this morning. Contemplating my death, my wife's death and both of our deaths made for a light and airy day. We wish we would have started everything earlier in life but its too late for that now. Another tree service called me to take the top out of a pine for them. It was very easy, any tree climber should have been able to have done it. I made some quick money but got sticky with pine pitch on a day where I wasn't planning on getting dirty. I did three bids this afternoon, one of which was my old company's customer(got that one). My wife and I took Haley to get her hair cut and to buy some clothes. We ate out and then stopped off at REI and I got some 8mm cord and a couple of steel biners.
Thank God I don't need it. No kids, no wife and nobody will be financially affected when I kick the bucket. There's enough money in the bank to cover a funeral/ cremation as well as settling up my debts. I can go in peace knowing I don't owe anybody anything.
As I think I explained quite awhile back before. My wife's and mine life insurance is 'convertible' and will end up sheltering us from income tax during retirement.8)
You sure know how to make a guy feel bad about having a loving wife and beautiful little daughter. No need for life insurance? Lucky basthard.
Could be, basically it'll become where all my investments are 'housed' and then I will borrow against it at an extremely good interest rate, much lower than what I would pay in income tax for just withdrawing investments. Then when I die the bank gets first dibs into the pot and then the difference will be my actual estate and will be paid out to my daughter with no tax implications.

Or that's the gist of it atleast I think?:|:

Gots to have a plan even though I can't ever see myself not working at all. I mean hell what would ya do?