I'm laying on the couch, feeling sorry for myself.
10 years ago, just as I refound the later to be mail order bride, I found a lump on my right testicle.
After a lot of screaming and yelling about the unfairness of getting testicular cancer, just as I finally had a use for the damned things again, I went and consulted a doctor.
No worries.
It was something called a spermatocele, quite benign, but it some cases, it keeps on getting bigger.
I was one of those cases.
By now it was the size of a lemon.
Doing 3831 kilometer on motorcycle through Eastern Europe with a lemon in my groin made me decide to get rid of it.
They cut it out friday.....................ouch, ouch, triple ouch.
It feels like being kicked in the gonads by an angry giraffe............constantly.
My dick has turned purple from leaking blood.
Be a looong while before I think of sex again.
So, yes, feeling sorry for myself