. The winter winds along with plants/trees shut down and not transpiring desiccate the atmosphere.
Geez I never thought of that. Is that a theory or a real thing? Interesting either way
. The winter winds along with plants/trees shut down and not transpiring desiccate the atmosphere.
I think it is mostly just from the cold temps and the vapor pressure of water such that water less easily evaporates. Vapor pressure - Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vapor_pressureGeez I never thought of that. Is that a theory or a real thing? Interesting either way
Feel ya on that. Its like I can get the pain down just enough to sleep. Then it wakes me up again. Over and over. Cats pouncing adds to the effect.Finally actually could lay down and get more than an hours of sleep last night.
Arm still woke me up, but it's nice to feel 1/2 rested at least.
Still can't come close to bending enough to eat with it, but can type with both hands now for a little bit.
Did manage to move a couple feet of snow from the drives with the snow thrower yesterday so at least we can get in & out.
I love living in Florida. My heater consists of a $25 portable electric heater I bought off Amazon and keep next to my desk for 3 months per year. As backup I have electric central heat but I haven't used it in 3 years.Fired up the second wood stove for the first time. I have an old timer automatic draft big clunker central in this drafty old farm house. Wonder Wood.
Old timey circulator. I had one a neighbor gave me. He had pulled out the fire bricks and made a stainless replacement for the brick retainers. He had never got it done and quit heating with wood. I bought new bricks for it and was ready to rebuild it. Buddy found a Wonder Wood in good shape out to the road and called me. I told him stay right there, I'll be there in 5 minutes. Not pretty but it works well. Takes a big chunk and regulates burn automatically. Couldn't beat the price. I have used the neighbors for parts already. Win win.
Of course the stainless double wall did cost me $1200 and quite a bit of work. This is the 3rd heating season so I guess it's paid off.
Newer stove is a Avalon. Pretty and more efficient. Takes more tending and smaller wood. Craiglist find for I think $2 or $250. 4th heating season for it.
Got the oil furnace fired up for the first time also. Boiler pipes freeze if it isn't running in the low 20's Winter is a lot of fun. Tending 2 wood stoves is a chore.
Yup, Mike was looking good in the tree under unfavorable circumstances.
Some old ones too. Lol. Some hot chicks out there too.
My apologies. I didn’t know you were a frequent flyer at these beaches.Hey! Easy on the old jokes, please?
Probably we could say the same for many places, Cory.