How'd it go today?

Are you still doing your own tree work on weekends?

I haven’t done much since the middle of October Sean. Debating on only working for a few select customers from here on out. Just need to do enough to cover insurance and make a few bucks. There’s just to many things to get done and work just gets in the way anymore.
I just looked at a maple like that today, gave her an estimate for, and recommendation for, removal (as well as for trimming) so that when it wrecks the house she can't come crying to me re bad advice. CYA
Sassafras is nice too. I don't get to smell them in a chipper(not in person anyway), but I get to smell them on cleared lots I work on.
White pines are kinda shitty. They look nice and smell nice as long as you don't have to touch them, but the time will come when they have to be dealt with.
Sass is great fo sho, and let's not forget about black birch, its right up there near the top of the redolence list, imo
Wasn't a bad day. Boss had to get stuff together for work, so I played on the computer, spent 1.5hr doing grade sheets for the work yesterday, then went to the back of the farm to mill some wood.

My daughter needs slats to hold her bed, and she wants to put them on top of cube shelves. I had left wood back there milling trailerboards for the boss. I couldn't get anymore trailer boards, but there was plenty for bed slats. I also cut up a branch that had fallen out of a dead oak I need to take care of.

Brought a bunch of firewood home. I'm hoping it'll be dry enough to use as a backup if I go through all my porch wood. Hard to say. Oak holds onto water forever.
Thank you for the offer! I will take you up on that but it’s too damn cold to run the smoker right now. Maybe spring.
Didn't do much today. Laidout a house, and drove to a close job to take a pic of the downspout installed on the back(part of the stormwater asbuilt process). I walked down to look at my logs, but I wasn't really in the mood for that. Back's sore. Verizon had laid wires on the ground everywhere for the nth time, so I used that as my excuse to not drag logs :^D I'd have liked to have done some climbing, but my long rope and apta are at my house. I'll take them into work next opportunity. Dunno if that'll be tomorrow. Calling for snow, and if boss isn't gonna do fieldwork, I'm not going in.
Been slow here lately. Did one bid today, sold a gun back to a guy I bought it from last year, visited my mom at assisted living, and talked to a broker about selling my tree biz.
How's the weather over there, Jim? Are they ok to lamb this time of year, or do you have to get them right inside? We're going to have a cold snap this coming week, single digits. Haven't seen much below zero the last 4-5 years.
Went from 10*F yesterday morning to 40*F and light rain this morning. Frozen ground made my woodpile a bit more pleasant. Anyhow I had the pleasure of running an older eastonmade 22-28 yesterday morning. We split a face cord in 20 minutes and that was with him stopping to show me things to watch for and explaining how it worked. Wood going in was low quality but it made decent firewood out of it. After that Cameron came over and we talked about gear. I ended up giving him a full gear bag. It was a decent day until we got a call that a family friend had passed away. It wasn’t unexpected. When I stopped to see him in the nursing home last week he told me he was tired of fighting and just wanted to go home. He was a good man.