How'd it go today?

I spent the whole day driving.
My new apprentice wants to start turning wood.
Seeing some of the stuff I do, has apparently inspired him.
In order to discourage him, I let him use my lathe for a day around xmas and showed him some stuff.
Didn't work at all, if anything it got him even more fired up.

Someone in the other end of the country died and the family is selling off his lathe, turning tools, chuck, everything for $350.

Deal of the year.

So I volunteered to drive over and pick it up with him, since we could fit it into my truck bed.

Just got home ½ hour ago at 7 PM.
Smokin deal if it’s all in working order. Probably a smoking deal if it needs work.

I wonder if the ShopSmith machines are worth owning. I’d like a lathe, drill press, and table saw in one unit.
Ooh and a bandsaw would be very handy.

And if I could make a jig to keep the angle consistent and a way to keep the steel fromgetting too hot without soaking the machine, I’ll bet I could use a belt sander to sharpen chipper knives.
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Went from 10*F yesterday morning to 40*F and light rain this morning. Frozen ground made my woodpile a bit more pleasant. Anyhow I had the pleasure of running an older eastonmade 22-28 yesterday morning. We split a face cord in 20 minutes and that was with him stopping to show me things to watch for and explaining how it worked. Wood going in was low quality but it made decent firewood out of it. After that Cameron came over and we talked about gear. I ended up giving him a full gear bag. It was a decent day until we got a call that a family friend had passed away. It wasn’t unexpected. When I stopped to see him in the nursing home last week he told me he was tired of fighting and just wanted to go home. He was a good man.
This reminds me of when I was in the fifth grade and my great grandfather was in the nursing home and he asked me for a bottle of booze. In hind sight I wish I had the ability to sneak him a bottle. 96 years old, I’ll be damned if I ain’t going out with a buzz.
God speed!
Not a bad run. But my gramps was 96 had emphasima(sp ??) and could barely breath. Bottle of booze and an Exit window. FYI he was on the first floor.
Giant’s play at the same field, or they used to anyways. When one was home, the other was away. Weird, but probably economically sound.

There’s talk of another new Bills stadium, and the prevailing idea is the new one will also be outdoors, uncovered, exposed to the elements.
Pretty pointless if you ask me, but nobody does ;)
Ooh and a bandsaw would be very handy.

And if I could make a jig to keep the angle consistent and a way to keep the steel fromgetting too hot without soaking the machine, I’ll bet I could use a belt sander to sharpen chipper knives.

Might depend on how long your knives are. The ShopSmith belt sander is only 6” wide. MSC has 6”x48” belts to fit in aluminum oxide very fine , 5 belts for $86. The table on the sander only tilts from -20* to +45*, that may be an issue too.

I’m sure I’d be better off finding a decent machinist, I’d probably just scorch my knives and screw up the hardness.

6” wide might do it for my 65XP knives though.
Dragged three logs today. That's the last of the real big guys on the ground. I wish I could say it's close to being clean, but there's still a bunch of medium-largish wood left. Some of it really nasty to deal with. Half buried, half rotten... Just PITA stuff.

I climbed one of the vine trees today, but I didn't get it finished. I only got 30'-40' up. My silky came unclipped and fell. It was getting late anyway, so it was a good time to stop. It's the one on the right that I pictured in the 'pine' thread. Really shady, so it doesn't look like much...

Crane day with the sub crane guy. Went very well for the circumstances. I broke a track right out of the trailer this morning so it was a struggle with the winch. Normally not an issue but we had to roll every brush pick on both jobs to avoid service lines. Also between Cameron and Ryan, I never had to leave the ground today. Highest I got was walking the crane deck to unload cribbing.
Called Vermeer. They told me 120 days on the tracks. I told them they were on crack. Ordered from prowler and will have them tomorrow afternoon or first thing Wednesday Morning.
Then came home early and decided to move the splitter. That turned into splitting and stacking another tote full. I going to try and get another one each night this week just to feel like I accomplish something at home. Plus it’s a good half hour of unwinding from the work day.
I had to fire an apprentice today.
First time in 30 years and I didn't like it one bit.
Hard working young fellow, but his brain has a tendency to vapor lock, then he does really stupid things.
Example: Domino fall 3 trees and hang them up in a fourth.
What to do?
Cut down the one they hang in, of course.
He got banged up good , and we hoped he'd learn from it.
Nope. Kept doing stuff like that.
Last week we had a 15" dia ash, leaning 50 degrees next to a house.
I told him not to fall it, because it would block the way for me getting the ATV and winch out where we needed it.
When I came back with the ATV, the tree was on the ground, more or less.
He had cut it from behind, no facecut and of course it barberchaired like hell.
Had to use a pole saw to get it on the ground. Only luck let him walk away from that unhurt.

There is just no room for that kind of stupidity in our work.

Today we were felling a lot of birch to make room for construction.
If I hadn't whacked him with a stick, he would have flattened the other apprentice, because he didn't check to see if there was anybody in the way, just started the backcut without thinking.

Last month Richard said he hoped that when the big accident happened, he would only hurt himself and not one of the other crew members.

You can't have a loose cannon like that on a team, constantly have to watch him, so at the end of the day, we fired him.

I hated having to do it, but I'd hate even more to have to dig his remains out from under a tree.
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