I cussed a good bit yesterday. I cut a big horsechesnut, 38" diameter, around 90 feet hight, twin trunks after 13' and forestry shape. I made only two 20" logs at the butt and my 36"chain went dull in the middle of the wood. Bad start for bucking all in firewood length. I set aside the ms661 for the moment and took the ms 462 to at least cut out the bad spot, probably something stuck deep between the twin trunks. Cut a quarter of the diameter and went dull too. Sooo... F***k the butt and buck it by the small end(s). Resharpened the 20" chain , cut about 4" deep in the smallish wood and the chain broke !

Put a brand new chain, cut some logs in the 6-12" diameter range. At what was around 50' high, I got a bunch of sparks.

I found nothing but a small pocket of rot in the center. I guess that some small critter put a gravel in a little hole up there (squirrel ?). Time to file again.
Ok after that for a while, until the shared part of the twin trunks. Surely enougth, chain went dull again. Sweet file ...
Luckily, this massive part split partly during the fall. The dismantling of the crown made it move slightly and the halves separated a bit. With carefull cutting and working the (half)rounds, I went through it, not without dulling the chain again.
It turns out that the included bark was lined almost top to bottom with dirt.
Dirt at ground level in a double stump, sure, I got plenty of that. Organic matter above ground, I can see that. But dirt at 13' high ?
Well, I need to sharpen some chains...