How'd it go today?

Chipped 5-6 yards of chit this afternoon, pressurewashed the chipper, taking the rest of the day off.

Going to get the fittings and hose I need for the autofeed in the AM before skool.
Came back from Charloote TCC...great comp/party:D. Only bad part was some mofo broke into our truck while we were at a rugby game and stole a 60 meter rope, and my harness(due for replacement though), Ipod, buddies cell and jacket. I hope the harness breaks if they try and use it.:X Breakin out the glide to go to work this week..........
That sucks. Sorry to hear that John.

I had a mellow day, did laundry, cleaned house and had my buddy/ co-worker Dan and his girlfriend over for dinner. He is headed to Alaska for another season as a firefighter. I am still trying to lure him into the business over the long run. He would be an excellent foreman. Unfortunately, he has a common wildland firefighter ailment called "smoke jumper disease." I had it for a while but got over it after two years of rejections. He has a much better chance of getting hired as a jumper than me as he is a much better athlete. My saw skills are better and I've been trying to help him in that regard.
I feel much older since I fell of that orchard ladder last week. I look forward to warmer weather and feeling normal again.
Well back home, big drive through the mountains. I guess everyone has been getting a bit of snow around here. You get dumped on Paul? Amazingly for us it timed out beautifully dry roads there and back.8)

I had enough of partying with Gene Simmons so back to work.:D
a dusting on Friday then again on Saturday, no inconvenience to me.

Party with Gene? You gonna be on an episode of Family Jewels?
Nothing too exciting today .Stacked about a cord of firewood,split another 1/2 or so . I think about 10 cords to go before I'm done with last falls wood .
Today I ground climbed working for the man pulling weeds. Alot of climbers above that kinda work shoot not me work is slow I do anything!
Tomm working a 70 Tonn removing 5 poplars/:P
I am soliciting (to make money) different local tree companies for video production and assisting other tree companies in my area hosting their videos on various sites. Their companies movies should be viewable for decades to come.
I just lack a script of each company, I guess is different.
My wife says people are to backward for that, perhaps shes right.
Nothing special here today except taking my kid fishing in a while. Got 4 jobs I gotta do tomorrow then snowmobiling on Thursday.:D

Suppose I could work Friday but we'll see.;)
This morning I killed the prettiest, healthiest, strongest oak I've seen in a long time. But it was 'over the house' and it was 'too tall' and the old lady was worried about 'what if it falls'. :roll: 32" DBH and not a defect anywhere. There was maybe 3 dead limbs in the whole tree.

Anyway, I hope she had to pay a crapload of money for that removal. I made almost my day rate by noon and then went to my second job and worked till 6:30. I'm bushed.
The chipper is down-ruptured radiator. I killed 4 trees for erf day and made 3 cottonpickin' trips to the landfill.
Well, I made it through the day. My partner and I hit the fun shop at lunch, and I almost walked out with either a Bushmaster assembled lower, or a ready to go DPMS Panther Sportical AR15 in 5.56. I've got some clothes in the wash, and now I'm relaxing.
The chipper is down-ruptured radiator.

Stumpy, thats a great reminder for me. I need to flush out my radiators and refill with anti freeze for the hot summer months just around the corner.

Bid two jobs today but thats it. Raining and cold here.
Slayed some pines today a couple pretty good sized ones. Used the bucket to skin the limbs off one side to help favor the lay set a pull line and they were goners. Nice sunny day, lots of fun.
Removed small Elm, deadwooded a shatty Mulberry, ground 11 stumps, installed one COBRA, pruned a cherry.............played with kids, Im done:|:
hmm, 2 hour conference call, drained, cleaned and refilled a small pond, home to supper, doing a landscape design now, well, shortly anyways ;)
I ground a really nasty stump today. Then went out to my cousin's and worked on the truck for a couple of hours, then did a bid for a couple of small stumps in the back yard in the neighboring town.
picked up 3 days of work today, got my dimensions for the rest of my chip box to the break man. should be ready early next week to go pick up. supper with the outlaws