Long day in the humidity here in the armpit of America. Started by trying to sneak into a friend's driveway to remove 3 spindly sugar maples that keep dumping sap on his cars. Pull into his street and find 3 Nelson trucks lining up for ROW work, and they were taking their sweet time to get moving, so that got kiboshed until tomorrow. Then drove across town to start a sizable maple removal with a couple of leftover prunes from earlier this year. Maple was about 75ft high, and about 80ft wide, and was being removed due to a major split at the base (see pics in Official Work Pics thread). Started by dropping 2 huge limbs off the maple for brush monkey 1 to cut up and haul over to chipper in driveway, while BM2 and I pruned the Cherry and Redbud in front of the house. Got almost half the Maple on the ground by lunch, and there was a deformed Pin Oak behind it as an add-on that I was planning to use as falling practice for the noobs and which was blocking the drop of one of the Maple limbs. Took BM2 over to let him fall it, and as he positions himself for the notch cuts, he steps right into a nest of yellow jackets! He and I scrammed out of there, but not before each of us got a couple stings. The wasp/hornet spray I have was not in either truck, so we waited a bit for them to settle, then I went over and falled the oak as quick as could be. We ended up the day finishing the prunes, the Oak and half the maple (long ass Dingo haul across 2+ acre property to driveway to chip), so we'll finish up tomorrow.