How'd it go today?

Got to my second job today about 11am. Two removals, only one was accessable with the bucket truck. The second was off the back corner of the house and almost everything was over the house. I sized it up (about a 30" DBH oak, 60' tall) and decided that I was not going to climb it. Instead I was going to flop it in the back yard. The boss got all worried and I bet him $100 that I would miss the corner of the house, up and above my normal pay. We shook on it and 10 minutes later the tree was laying in the back yard.

The second tree was over the house as well. I rigged everything and craned it all out to the front, dropping it all behind the chipper. I love making a full day's pay in half a day. :P
Started switching engines on the chipper this evening, spent a couple hours or so getting everything figured out and yanking the old engine. Got the new engine rigged up for the lift, should have the swap finished in a 2-3 hours tomorrow.

"New" engine runs like a top, Brian :)
Started switching engines on the chipper this evening, spent a couple hours or so getting everything figured out and yanking the old engine. Got the new engine rigged up for the lift, should have the swap finished in a 2-3 hours tomorrow.

"New" engine runs like a top, Brian :)

Did I miss something?

What happend to the "old" engine?
It aint been right since it overheated with the electric fan setup. It works, but it's a pain to get it started. I could have rebuilt it, but it wasn't worth it to me compared to the time it's taking to just swap it out.

I bought a replacement power unit (used) to just swap over the whole unit and have straight cowling. The only thing I have to do is pull the pulley off the old and stick on the new, drop it on the frame and tighten the bolts. Tomorrow after I grind I'll change swap pulleys and get it set in place, should be using it tomorrow afternoon. :)

Oh, and it's been in the plans since I bought the gear to setup autofeed, which I plan on doing soon :).
my day was mundane. 2 pruning jobs, one removal, got some landscape plans printed for an estimate, made some phone calls, had some supper, here, headed to some couch time with the wife and little kiddo, taking tomorrow off. Well, except for the 0900 site visit for estimate, cleaning to sell the old bedrails and headache rack, organizing the storage locker, wash the truck, vacuum the truck, finish a landscape design and estimate it, paint the bathroom cupboards, visit nephew at the hospital etc. sigh.
lots of bidding, a lane closure, helped a competitor move a trailer he was given and picked up a weeks worth of work! guy liked my ad in the paper i came out and looked at his new home (he doesnt even live there yet) i threw out my new day rates and he said when can you do it. wish they were all that easy!
Really crappy day AGAIN today.

this is day three with engine problems. Got a new one in, just a hair different.
Three days making modifications, and then making the modifications work.

Carl, I sincerely hope your engine swap goes smoothly.

Oh, and then I got a call from a friend who is modifiying his tractor. Would I come over please and help him re-plum some hydrolics? Sure.

Out in the baking heat on a concrete slab getting hot oil and thick grease sprayed all over my face, repeatedly.
sorry for being a post whore. Here are a couple shots of the young lad and a pic of the view from the burger king drive through this lunchtime.


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I wonder what it's like spending the day up in one of those cranes. I bet they piss in a bottle!
Speaking of little high priced shops, I went into this little store called 'clutch' today. They sell wallets and because I need a new one, I thought hey, why not.

A small mens wallet costs 185 dollars!

Going to check Wal-mart next time I am in that neighborhood
whoa! that wallet would be worth more than I carry around in mine!

I got a good, basic leather one from Sears not long ago, I think it was about $40
Got the engine changed out, had to make a 4" spacer for the front of the engine. The other option was change out the front motor mount for the old one. Only problem was the bracket holds the engine, cowling, grill, shroud, and radiator. Hence, I made a simple spacer out of 2 pieces of 2x2" tubing.

I chipped a 12-13"x50' gum here at the house. The quasi-adjusted anvil makes a huge difference in chip quality (no chit, I know), but the anvil is about used up so I couldn't get it fixed up right proper.